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Just googled this guys name and it comes up with pages relating to him and his dislike of the RSPB!!! Have we been a naughty boy and got caught eh dezza??? ;)


Why hound an organization you have no hope of beating easpecially one as malicious and vindictive as the RSPB and then go running to it's silent master petition in hand with a shed load of good lads names and addresses to go on the side :no: your a fool if you think you can change anything with a petition alone.


Read the facts and stop trying to help the RSPB















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Firstly I wasn't attacking your spelling i was letting you know you had made a mistake on what is presumably a document intended to be read by the prime minister.


secondly the RSPB and the RSPCA get up my nose too but i ain't gonna pick a battle with them. Never take a leopard on, on your own an all that. join BASC or another group.


and lastly every forum i can find that you've posted on you have either been banned or criticized you strike me as someone who loves to ruffle feathers or should that be rustle :whistling:

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BIRDMAN Derek Canning made legal history yesterday when he became the first man in Britain to be jailed for stealing and selling rare birds of prey. Genetic fingerprinting techniques were used to put the illegal trader behind bars in a case brought under European law by Northumbria Police. Canning, 33, of The Broomhaugh, Riding Mill, Northumberland, was sentenced to 18 months for keeping and selling 22 peregrine falcons, worth around £700 each. Newcastle Crown Court was told he had maps pinpointing the positions of at least 10 peregrine eyries in Northumberland, Cumbria and southern Scotland. The birds were taken from nesting sites, given false identification and then sold on through specialist magazines to un-suspecting buyers. Canning, a storeman, was stopped by police and the RSPB’s protection unit in 1993. He had a pair of peregrine falcon chicks in his car – 24 hours after two had gone missing from Kielder Forest. Jailing him, Judge Michael Cartlidge said: “Your suggested breeding programme was a sham and throughout this case you have taken enormous trouble to disguise your involvement. “It seems to me that when birds are protected and someone defies the law it is inevitable a prison sentence has to be imposed.’



no i am not Hunters friend i am Guys :feck:

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BIRDMAN Derek Canning made legal history yesterday when he became the first man in Britain to be jailed for stealing and selling rare birds of prey. Genetic fingerprinting techniques were used to put the illegal trader behind bars in a case brought under European law by Northumbria Police. Canning, 33, of The Broomhaugh, Riding Mill, Northumberland, was sentenced to 18 months for keeping and selling 22 peregrine falcons, worth around £700 each. Newcastle Crown Court was told he had maps pinpointing the positions of at least 10 peregrine eyries in Northumberland, Cumbria and southern Scotland. The birds were taken from nesting sites, given false identification and then sold on through specialist magazines to un-suspecting buyers. Canning, a storeman, was stopped by police and the RSPB’s protection unit in 1993. He had a pair of peregrine falcon chicks in his car – 24 hours after two had gone missing from Kielder Forest. Jailing him, Judge Michael Cartlidge said: “Your suggested breeding programme was a sham and throughout this case you have taken enormous trouble to disguise your involvement. “It seems to me that when birds are protected and someone defies the law it is inevitable a prison sentence has to be imposed.’



no i am not Hunters friend i am Guys :feck:


Right you have made the point that I was convicted due to DNA evidence now read this link and the light may start to shine through: the single locus probes in my case were bogus and the RSPB and the DNA expert were told not to use them in my case. This fact was withheld until recently. Before you go on to condemn me read the link on the DNA evidence used to convict me.



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BIRDMAN Derek Canning made legal history yesterday when he became the first man in Britain to be jailed for stealing and selling rare birds of prey. Genetic fingerprinting techniques were used to put the illegal trader behind bars in a case brought under European law by Northumbria Police. Canning, 33, of The Broomhaugh, Riding Mill, Northumberland, was sentenced to 18 months for keeping and selling 22 peregrine falcons, worth around £700 each. Newcastle Crown Court was told he had maps pinpointing the positions of at least 10 peregrine eyries in Northumberland, Cumbria and southern Scotland. The birds were taken from nesting sites, given false identification and then sold on through specialist magazines to un-suspecting buyers. Canning, a storeman, was stopped by police and the RSPB’s protection unit in 1993. He had a pair of peregrine falcon chicks in his car – 24 hours after two had gone missing from Kielder Forest. Jailing him, Judge Michael Cartlidge said: “Your suggested breeding programme was a sham and throughout this case you have taken enormous trouble to disguise your involvement. “It seems to me that when birds are protected and someone defies the law it is inevitable a prison sentence has to be imposed.’



no i am not Hunters friend i am Guys :feck:


But it's all lies, lies I tell you, MR CANNING HAS AN LLB (HONS) so he must be inocent and a down right good egg too!! YEH! AND MY ARSE SMELLS OF ROSES. :whistling:

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BIRDMAN Derek Canning made legal history yesterday when he became the first man in Britain to be jailed for stealing and selling rare birds of prey. Genetic fingerprinting techniques were used to put the illegal trader behind bars in a case brought under European law by Northumbria Police. Canning, 33, of The Broomhaugh, Riding Mill, Northumberland, was sentenced to 18 months for keeping and selling 22 peregrine falcons, worth around £700 each. Newcastle Crown Court was told he had maps pinpointing the positions of at least 10 peregrine eyries in Northumberland, Cumbria and southern Scotland. The birds were taken from nesting sites, given false identification and then sold on through specialist magazines to un-suspecting buyers. Canning, a storeman, was stopped by police and the RSPB’s protection unit in 1993. He had a pair of peregrine falcon chicks in his car – 24 hours after two had gone missing from Kielder Forest. Jailing him, Judge Michael Cartlidge said: “Your suggested breeding programme was a sham and throughout this case you have taken enormous trouble to disguise your involvement. “It seems to me that when birds are protected and someone defies the law it is inevitable a prison sentence has to be imposed.’



no i am not Hunters friend i am Guys :feck:


But it's all lies, lies I tell you, MR CANNING HAS AN LLB (HONS) so he must be inocent and a down right good egg too!! YEH! AND MY ARSE SMELLS OF ROSES. :whistling:


Hello Rat boy it is nice to hear from you again, is Neal Hunter the ex policeman well? Are you still putting the roses up your bottom. They will smell even nicer if you read the facts.

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BIRDMAN Derek Canning made legal history yesterday when he became the first man in Britain to be jailed for stealing and selling rare birds of prey. Genetic fingerprinting techniques were used to put the illegal trader behind bars in a case brought under European law by Northumbria Police. Canning, 33, of The Broomhaugh, Riding Mill, Northumberland, was sentenced to 18 months for keeping and selling 22 peregrine falcons, worth around £700 each. Newcastle Crown Court was told he had maps pinpointing the positions of at least 10 peregrine eyries in Northumberland, Cumbria and southern Scotland. The birds were taken from nesting sites, given false identification and then sold on through specialist magazines to un-suspecting buyers. Canning, a storeman, was stopped by police and the RSPB’s protection unit in 1993. He had a pair of peregrine falcon chicks in his car – 24 hours after two had gone missing from Kielder Forest. Jailing him, Judge Michael Cartlidge said: “Your suggested breeding programme was a sham and throughout this case you have taken enormous trouble to disguise your involvement. “It seems to me that when birds are protected and someone defies the law it is inevitable a prison sentence has to be imposed.’



no i am not Hunters friend i am Guys :feck:


But it's all lies, lies I tell you, MR CANNING HAS AN LLB (HONS) so he must be inocent and a down right good egg too!! YEH! AND MY ARSE SMELLS OF ROSES. :whistling:


Hello Rat boy it is nice to hear from you again, is Neal Hunter the ex policeman well? Are you still putting the roses up your bottom. They will smell even nicer if you read the facts.


DELL BOY, the facts are...........YOU GOT NICKED.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAL WITH IT.

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Hello Rat boy it is nice to hear from you again, is Neal Hunter the ex policeman well? Are you still putting the roses up your bottom. They will smell even nicer if you read the facts.


DELL BOY, the facts are...........YOU GOT NICKED.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAL WITH IT.



Well Rat Boy here is the hyperlink on the DNA evidence "http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...REK+CANNING+LLB"]http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...REK+CANNING+LLB[/url][HONS]


Now use your superior mind and explain where I am wrong or lying in relation to the DNA evidence that has been condemned by two independent experts from Germany and the USA ESPECIALLY IN RELATION TO WHERE DR PARKIN AND THE RSPB WERE TOLD NOT TO USE THE SINGLE LOCUS PROBES IN MY CASE by Defra AND THEY IGNORED THIS FACT AND USED THE PROBES ANYWAY THEN LIED TO THE JUDGE ABOUT THE SINGLE PROBES. On the other hand you can do your usual and start using insulting remarks as you do not know what you are talking about as you are just a mouth piece for the lying ex-policeman involved in my case

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Guest lurchers&terriers

f**k sake lads why bring that up. the guys done his BIRD. Hes still a field sports man at the end of the day who's looking for a wee bit of support. I agree with you Derick something needs to be done about these and anything is better than nothing. I cant believe how paranoid and deftest the hunting community has become. They will do anything they got hunting banned and they try to bully every last one of us but you lot rather sit on your arses with out putting up a fight and screwing there name and credibility. f**k sake lads get some fight about you. Every day there's crap put up on the net in papers about us but what do we do? look at shitty bodies like the ca to defend us and do they NO. its about time you lot get a bit of fight about you instead if sitting there all beat up and abusing your fellow pro hunters. at least you can say you tryed


Brown wont read none of these polls though hes to busy licking Muslims arse, sending young lads to there death and f*****g up the economy

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