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We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Hold a public enquiry into the polices and running of the RSPB.". More details

Submitted by Derek Canning LLB[hons] of the need for justice – Deadline to sign up by: 21 July 2010 – Signatures: 1


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More details from petition creator

"the rspb are taking the role of police by investigating people given this fact who is going to police the rspb when there big questions marks over their activities. There has never been a watchdog for the rspb and given the evidence, the rspb’s hidden agenda and past history we want an investigation into the activities of the rspb"

Current signatories

So far, only Derek Canning LLB[hons], the Petition Creator, has signed this petition.


This post has been edited by DEREK CANNING LLB[HONS]: Today, 05:50 PM

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Think you need to check your spelling on the petition mate. If you want to be taken seriously of course Mr Hons :D


Unfortunately i ain't putting my address down on a petition that is going straight to the heart of a government that supports the RSPB and detests anything to do with hunting, the countryside or the people associated with it. Giving them a reason to single me out and have their attention draw to me no 'kin way. personally i think this petition is naïve and the broadcasting of your personal details WILL most definately be added to a register of some kind that this government is so fond of loosing

Edited by mushroom
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Think you need to check your spelling on the petition mate. If you want to be taken seriously of course Mr Hons:D


Unfortunately i ain't putting my address down on a petition that is going straight to the heart of a government that supports the RSPB and detests anything to do with hunting, the countryside or the people associated with it. Giving them a reason to single me out and have their attention draw to me no 'kin way. personally i think this petition is naïve and the broadcasting of your personal details WILL most definately be added to a register of some kind that this government is so fond of loosing



If no one does anything then nothing will get done no matter how naive I am. In fact things will get worse. As for your address do you have to give your precise address?

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Think you need to check your spelling on the petition mate. If you want to be taken seriously of course Mr Hons:D


Unfortunately i ain't putting my address down on a petition that is going straight to the heart of a government that supports the RSPB and detests anything to do with hunting, the countryside or the people associated with it. Giving them a reason to single me out and have their attention draw to me no 'kin way. personally i think this petition is naïve and the broadcasting of your personal details WILL most definately be added to a register of some kind that this government is so fond of loosing



If no one does anything then nothing will get done no matter how naive I am. In fact things will get worse. As for your address do you have to give your precise address?



i think they want the name and address so that they can verify that you are indeed a UK resident and as such entitled to an opinion on matters regarding this country....they dont want a load of Johnny Foreigners signing it and influencing their opinion of what the general public want!


if you are that paranoid about keeping below the radar resign from this forum and keep matters to yourself......as IP addresses can be traced and computers found!


I will go sign it now! :D

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Think you need to check your spelling on the petition mate. If you want to be taken seriously of course Mr Hons:D


Unfortunately i ain't putting my address down on a petition that is going straight to the heart of a government that supports the RSPB and detests anything to do with hunting, the countryside or the people associated with it. Giving them a reason to single me out and have their attention draw to me no 'kin way. personally i think this petition is naïve and the broadcasting of your personal details WILL most definately be added to a register of some kind that this government is so fond of loosing



If no one does anything then nothing will get done no matter how naive I am. In fact things will get worse. As for your address do you have to give your precise address?



i think they want the name and address so that they can verify that you are indeed a UK resident and as such entitled to an opinion on matters regarding this country....they dont want a load of Johnny Foreigners signing it and influencing their opinion of what the general public want!


if you are that paranoid about keeping below the radar resign from this forum and keep matters to yourself......as IP addresses can be traced and computers found!


I will go sign it now! :D


only if the owners of this site allow the details to be given to them. As for paranoid i know more than you obviously......


If you buy a car worth £10,000 or more you automatically get a look in from the tax inspector not in person but you WILL be checked out by somebody.


Make a complaint about the government (labour party) and you are automatically put on to a "possible risk register"


Enter you name on a petition that the government will keep as quiet as they possibly can, and i guarantee you will be looked at and investigated in some way.




i ain't no x files/conspiracy nut i just happen to know a lot of what goes on, and yes i do work, pay taxes blah blah i just ain't to happy about this government knowing anything about me or my interests.

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Think you need to check your spelling on the petition mate. If you want to be taken seriously of course Mr Hons:D


Unfortunately i ain't putting my address down on a petition that is going straight to the heart of a government that supports the RSPB and detests anything to do with hunting, the countryside or the people associated with it. Giving them a reason to single me out and have their attention draw to me no 'kin way. personally i think this petition is naïve and the broadcasting of your personal details WILL most definately be added to a register of some kind that this government is so fond of loosing


Gotta agree with you on this one Mushroom,They know to much as it is, :blink: Am i right in presuming this is all to do with your personal battle with the RSPB. Personally with your convictions for bird cruelty and illegal bird trading etc ,You should fight your own battles.

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Just googled this guys name and it comes up with pages relating to him and his dislike of the RSPB!!! Have we been a naughty boy and got caught eh dezza??? ;)


Why hound an organization you have no hope of beating easpecially one as malicious and vindictive as the RSPB and then go running to it's silent master petition in hand with a shed load of good lads names and addresses to go on the side :no: your a fool if you think you can change anything with a petition alone.

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Think you need to check your spelling on the petition mate. If you want to be taken seriously of course Mr Hons:D


Unfortunately i ain't putting my address down on a petition that is going straight to the heart of a government that supports the RSPB and detests anything to do with hunting, the countryside or the people associated with it. Giving them a reason to single me out and have their attention draw to me no 'kin way. personally i think this petition is naïve and the broadcasting of your personal details WILL most definately be added to a register of some kind that this government is so fond of loosing



If no one does anything then nothing will get done no matter how naive I am. In fact things will get worse. As for your address do you have to give your precise address?



i think they want the name and address so that they can verify that you are indeed a UK resident and as such entitled to an opinion on matters regarding this country....they dont want a load of Johnny Foreigners signing it and influencing their opinion of what the general public want!


if you are that paranoid about keeping below the radar resign from this forum and keep matters to yourself......as IP addresses can be traced and computers found!


I will go sign it now! :D


only if the owners of this site allow the details to be given to them. As for paranoid i know more than you obviously......


If you buy a car worth £10,000 or more you automatically get a look in from the tax inspector not in person but you WILL be checked out by somebody.


Make a complaint about the government (labour party) and you are automatically put on to a "possible risk register"


Enter you name on a petition that the government will keep as quiet as they possibly can, and i guarantee you will be looked at and investigated in some way.




i ain't no x files/conspiracy nut i just happen to know a lot of what goes on, and yes i do work, pay taxes blah blah i just ain't to happy about this government knowing anything about me or my interests.



I think there might be more to your comments than you are letting on for example why do you want to attack my spelling when that has nothing to do with you signing the petition or not?

All that you need to do is stand up and be counted or just work away and say nothing unless you have some constructive comments. As for being put on a list for attacking the RSPB by the government I think that I know more on this point than you, as I know what is being done behind closed doors by the House of Lords and House Commons in relation to investigating the activities RSPB and the RSPCA for that matter. I am not saying that I know everything that is going on via MPs and Lords however I have been very pleased with what I am being told however we will see if people will live up to their noble statements. Needless to say if there was a list for attacking the RSPB I would be right at the top and if there was any action to be taken the relevant parties would have done something by now to me. If you Google my name you will see my point.


In short all that I am asking for is for the police to do their job and investigate the many accusations against the RSPB. Is that too much to ask? Why do you pay your taxes if it is not to pay for the likes of the police therefore the police are public servants and should investigate the crimes of the RSPB if tax payers make complaints about them just like they would investigate you or me if the RSPB complained about you or me?


Justice and transparency if not give as a right then it has to be demanded by lawful means which is what I am doing and it is disappointing that you should criticize me on these points even if it is your right to do say however it would be better if you could be constructive or supply other ideas that may be helpful.

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Gotta agree with you on this one Mushroom,They know to much as it is, :blink: Am i right in presuming this is all to do with your personal battle with the RSPB. Personally with your convictions for bird cruelty and illegal bird trading etc ,You should fight your own battles.




Before you make statement on matter of cruelty I would invite you to get your facts right as I was not convicted for cruelty. As for Illegal birds I would invite to also read my other threads I was convicted on bogus DNA single locus probes produced by a professor that was on the Council for the RSPB. A fact he withheld from my court case. We will see what my appeal against my conviction brings however read my threads as this will also show you that investigating the RSPB is not just about me it relates to many complaints about the criminal activities of the RSPB and it also relates to stopping the RSPB applying their hidden agenda. Read my thread and you may have a different attitude.

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Before you make statement on matter of cruelty I would invite you to get your facts right as I was not convicted for cruelty. As for Illegal birds I would invite to also read my other threads I was convicted on bogus DNA single locus probes produced by a professor that was on the Council for the RSPB. A fact he withheld from my court case. We will see what my appeal against my conviction brings however read my threads as this will also show you that investigating the RSPB is not just about me it relates to many complaints about the criminal activities of the RSPB and it also relates to stopping the RSPB applying their hidden agenda. Read my thread and you may have a different attitude.



Yes I have got it now you are Hunter's friend the ex policeman who lied in in my case. The thread is on this forum if people want to read it.

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