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update on police officer

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those of you that know me know i dont hold the police in great regard and why a police officers life is worth more than a civilian in the eyes of the law always confused me. but a dog doesnt have a choice so there should be a higher respect. in the past i owe my life to a black GSD police dog that stood between me and 35 armed crustys when i ran the security at glastonbury that dog didnt ask to be there and didnt question what it was doing. so isnt it about time they where treated as an equal and the same punishment is dished out


rant over

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I thought that with all the weight of public opinion behind this incident that a court case was inevitable.


The countrymans weekly (last week or so) drew attention to a similar case (dog deaths in cars) involving a vet, of all people, from Clutton in Somerset.


As Clutton is not far from me i took a keen interest in this case, it seems the RSPCA didnt want to prosecute the vet as he might prove useful to them in future when it comes to bringing cases of animal maltreatment against others (talk about hypocritical).


The vet conncerned has subsequently moved to another practice, but this incident does seem to show the double standards by which the RSPCA operate.


I have absolutley no respect whatsoever for an organisation which could show such blatant favouritism in failing to prosecute someone who is guilty of animal cruelty in case he may be of use to them in the future when they seek to prosecute people for animal cruelty.

This Vet? from Clutton did you get his name please?


Hi Little Fish


The Vets name was Alex Gough aged 37, he only reported the death to the RSPCA at the insistance of his then business partner.

There were two dogs in the car, both Labrabors, one of which survived.

Edited by fin and fur
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