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johny foreigner

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I work with a guy from Poland, one day he noticed the Waterloo Cup badges on my Lapels of my Barbour Jacket. We got talking about the type of Hunting he does in Poland. He hunts a Beagle and Shoots Rifles in the Forests.He has got his Dog in Quarantine at the moment which will be allowed out in September. Hopefully i can take him out a few times in the Season.

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I work with a guy from Poland, one day he noticed the Waterloo Cup badges on my Lapels of my Barbour Jacket. We got talking about the type of Hunting he does in Poland. He hunts a Beagle and Shoots Rifles in the Forests.He has got his Dog in Quarantine at the moment which will be allowed out in September. Hopefully i can take him out a few times in the Season.

shame about the dog, it could have come over on a passport :( anyway thats another story. we have a lot of eurpoean contacts and friends and they always are fascinated to come and see our hunting here, be it deer, rabbit, or even as last xmas when we took our czech friends fox huntin (well trailhunting but you know what I mean....hunting on a horse with a pack) they thought it was fantastic!! In return they always take us when we visit them!

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