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A funny thing happened to me!

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Time & time again you read about experts being sieved for information by novices and that their livelihold is being pinched by chancers.

i can understand their frustration but read on and have a laugh.

This actually happened and believe me not even a comedy writer could have thought of this one!


I'm what could be called a keen amateur. I'll never be a professional moler, never wanted to be, but enjoy trapping moles for fun. Behind us is a farmers field that seems to grow nothing but moles so I get loads of practice keeping my garden nice. Imagine my surprise then when a 'professional expert moleman' laid into me as I was setting a trap IN MY OWN FRONT GARDEN.


First I was asked what i thought I was doing (I'm placing a half barrel trap at the time and just in case the experts lay into me, it was an English made trap not some Chinese or foreign rubbish) and that I was breaking the law. Really says I and asks why :hmm: . With every second word fu----g this and that he told me that plebs like me were stealing business from professional molemen and that if he caught me again at this house (he didn't know I lived there) he would 'do me'. :boxing:

His van had his name, phone number and trade (mole catcher) on the back but that is not important.

I (having decided that he was a prat) asked him what law i was breaking. Trapping moles without a licence was the reply.

Just gets funnier and funnier doesn't it. ;)


Then the wife comes out with a cuppa for me and he starts demanding to know why she is employing a 'pleb' like me when she should be using a professional.

Luckily my wife has a wicked sense of humour and she said that i was cheap only charging her a cup of tea and a roll in bed!

The guy turned a funny colour something between red wine and green, stormed back to his van and returned with a camera and took my picture.

Again, the wife was really quick and gave me a cuddle :wub: , asked of he would take one of the two of us and he stormed off.

we fell about laughing, it was just so funny!


The end of the story is that today we were shopping at our local country store getting food for the dog etc. and in walks the idiot. He comes over to the lad helping me and relates the story to him. He nearly wets himself (he's a close friend) and lets the truth out that we're married, live at the address he is on about, and basically what a prat he is. Everyone is laughing now and he storms out telling the world that he has photographs and is going to report me to the police for setting a mole trap.


I ask you, was he just having a bad couple of days or did a rabid mole gnaw on his thumb? :hmm:

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Time & time again you read about experts being sieved for information by novices and that their livelihold is being pinched by chancers.

i can understand their frustration but read on and have a laugh.

This actually happened and believe me not even a comedy writer could have thought of this one!


I'm what could be called a keen amateur. I'll never be a professional moler, never wanted to be, but enjoy trapping moles for fun. Behind us is a farmers field that seems to grow nothing but moles so I get loads of practice keeping my garden nice. Imagine my surprise then when a 'professional expert moleman' laid into me as I was setting a trap IN MY OWN FRONT GARDEN.


First I was asked what i thought I was doing (I'm placing a half barrel trap at the time and just in case the experts lay into me, it was an English made trap not some Chinese or foreign rubbish) and that I was breaking the law. Really says I and asks why :hmm: . With every second word fu----g this and that he told me that plebs like me were stealing business from professional molemen and that if he caught me again at this house (he didn't know I lived there) he would 'do me'. :boxing:

His van had his name, phone number and trade (mole catcher) on the back but that is not important.

I (having decided that he was a prat) asked him what law i was breaking. Trapping moles without a licence was the reply.

Just gets funnier and funnier doesn't it. ;)


Then the wife comes out with a cuppa for me and he starts demanding to know why she is employing a 'pleb' like me when she should be using a professional.

Luckily my wife has a wicked sense of humour and she said that i was cheap only charging her a cup of tea and a roll in bed!

The guy turned a funny colour something between red wine and green, stormed back to his van and returned with a camera and took my picture.

Again, the wife was really quick and gave me a cuddle :wub: , asked of he would take one of the two of us and he stormed off.

we fell about laughing, it was just so funny!


The end of the story is that today we were shopping at our local country store getting food for the dog etc. and in walks the idiot. He comes over to the lad helping me and relates the story to him. He nearly wets himself (he's a close friend) and lets the truth out that we're married, live at the address he is on about, and basically what a prat he is. Everyone is laughing now and he storms out telling the world that he has photographs and is going to report me to the police for setting a mole trap.


I ask you, was he just having a bad couple of days or did a rabid mole gnaw on his thumb? :hmm:

how you didnt name this bloke is a miracle id have told everyone his name ;):clapper:
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Sorry but the boss (wife) won't let me name him!

She feels that he won't be troubling us again, EVER AGAIN, and will most likely change where he buys his supplies from as well!


and yes, I got the mole (little sod!)

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