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A Lot Of Lurchers Up For Sale

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Very true in what you are saying lads,i have noticed aswell that a lot of dogs that

are on sale here are mostly being sold for their mate and not their own,i know someone

on here that bought a dog from the uk and got it transported to Ireland and the dog was supposed to be a all

rounder and he turned out to be fcuk all use,couldnt run to warm himself,so i say lads if you buy,make sure you

try them,and try them to the full.

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'selling for a mate' is a nice easy way of trying to avoid the shyte when the dog turns out to be yet another waste of time


whatever it is for sale 99% of the time 'selling for a mate' smells funny if you ask me


as for the dogs being sold because of the recession - maybe, but to make money not because they cant afford em'



wish i had the space for a lurcher personally - and a mrs who wouldnt mind!!(its a lot easier sneaking extra guns and ferrets in lol!!)





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as for the dogs being sold because of the recession - maybe, but to make money not because they cant afford em'



wish i had the space for a lurcher personally - and a mrs who wouldnt mind!!(its a lot easier sneaking extra guns and ferrets in lol!!)







No one should ever put a price on a hound - it just doesn't feel right. Before I get shot down I would guess alot of buyers want instant results.

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i think when you buy a dog sold for a mate is when the dog turns out to be fcuk all use the mate has left the country,and so has your money

Wouldn't that tell you to put the mileage in?



Its actually not just the mileage its the willingness to work for you

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Some sell becuase they too gutless or greedy to do what they should!

Aye, it's all about protecting the investment made when they buy the pup. If you pay money for a pup it's gone IMO, more a fee than an investment.

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most sell because its a wim with them :) or a fad :D heart isnt in it they do it for a past time,in that time they have the best dogs and someway or another f**k it up for us genuine people by either driving over the fields,killing livestock or just being plain and simple nob heads.


Well mate, maybe some do.


But some of the best dogs in this country are owned by lads who drive the land, when I've asked them why they drive and not walk the answer is so they can kill more. Ethics aside for a minute, some of these lads spend 12 hours a night 3 or 4 nights a week grafting their dogs, surely those dogs are better tested than most? So in those cases my opinion is that those lads are super dedicated to getting out and getting the runs for their dogs, therefore making the driving of fields a neccessity to get the graft. However there will always be those that try and copy and make a complete abortion of the job and in turn bring it on top for everyone with a Lurcher!


Driving the land isn't for me, but I'm only very very new to this and am enjoying learning and deffo need the exercise. :blink:

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Lets face it.Some people will buy then get rid of dog after dog thinking they will get a good one.(FORGET IT) It will never happen.Who in there right mind is going to sell a good dog.After spending about two years of time,money and effort training it.Any good dog man would never let it go.No matter how much cash you offer.So do the right thing .Get a pup train it and go from there.atb. Catcher 1

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on rare occasions good dogs sometimes do get parted with for various reasons like ill health,deaths ect but will usually be snapped up without the need for advertising them as they will be known in their area. its like the old saying if it sounds too good to be true it usually is .the underlying factor is money sad but true

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on rare occasions good dogs sometimes do get parted with for various reasons like ill health,deaths ect but will usually be snapped up without the need for advertising them as they will be known in their area. its like the old saying if it sounds too good to be true it usually is .the underlying factor is money sad but true



On the rare occacsions a good dog may get parted with but never sold. Catcher 1

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on rare occasions good dogs sometimes do get parted with for various reasons like ill health,deaths ect but will usually be snapped up without the need for advertising them as they will be known in their area. its like the old saying if it sounds too good to be true it usually is .the underlying factor is money sad but true



On the rare occacsions a good dog may get parted with but never sold. Catcher 1

exactly mate,if you a good dog and for serious reason you have to part with it surely your close mates that you hunt with would have first option ,that way the dog stays with the same hunting crew.Personally id never ever dream of asking for money off a mate for a dog the time would come when that mate could return me a favour ;)

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the lazy feckers who drive the vehicles anywere with no control of there dogs or cars,not the ones we know who are experienced at it and show full respect for the land and there animals.......and face it those people wouldnt sell dogs they would give them or put them down if they were no good.....atb


Dead right they would!



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on rare occasions good dogs sometimes do get parted with for various reasons like ill health,deaths ect but will usually be snapped up without the need for advertising them as they will be known in their area. its like the old saying if it sounds too good to be true it usually is .the underlying factor is money sad but true



On the rare occacsions a good dog may get parted with but never sold. Catcher 1

exactly mate,if you a good dog and for serious reason you have to part with it surely your close mates that you hunt with would have first option ,that way the dog stays with the same hunting crew.Personally id never ever dream of asking for money off a mate for a dog the time would come when that mate could return me a favour ;)



Sound like old school mate.If you need a dog and a friend has a good one going.Or a litter.It,s free no cash nedded.If i offerd my mates cash for a dog they would disown me.atb. Catcher 1

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