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That pic was from 15yrs ago. Every DEFINATE sighting like the one you mention has been an escaped pet or whatever, even stating one Cat had a collar on! These are prime examples of why I dont believe we have any, typically what they do is kill a LOT, and we are not seeing that, otherwise hundreds of hunters would of seen and shot one by now.


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saw what i thought was one about 2 yrs back, dart across the road and over a hedge. was fairly light in colour, so i dont think it was a puma or anything like that. maybe lynx?? going back to the beast of bodmin moor thing, i beleive they think its a puma. dont pumas normally live in jungles???

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Guest oldskool
lad on here a while back said he stalked one on the moors for about an hour before realizing it was a bin liner :11: :11: :11:




lol,, the mind plays all sorts of trick on you [bANNED TEXT] it gets a shock. a lad had videod a black panther on a camcorder. everyone was in shock until it walked past a fence post and then it became clear that it was no bigger than a tom cat.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

That Lynx shot comes courtesy of Danny (The Kid) Bampling. It's easy enough to type his name, but when ever I try to speak of him, my lips try to form the word; " WwwwwAnnnke ....! " :rolleyes: Web sites, set up by school boys, to make money are Not the best places to search for the real clues out there, IMHO.


In my personal view / experiance, I'd strongly suggest you have certain felines in Britain which don't feature in the Observer seriese. Do I suggest there's a 'Black Panther' hiding behind every tree in suburban Surrey? Do I hell :laugh: No, but you have or have had Cougar. And these SOB's weren't wearing any collars either. Last I heard, a year or two back now, there was still one out there. I wouldn't worry about it, personally.


Someone I know to be level headed used to live on Cannock Chase. One time, a neighbour was loosing full grown geese. My friend, though a firm accepter of the Cats, never jumped to the obvious conclusion. Then, one day she e mailed me to say she'd just been riding and had seen what she took to be a black bin liner, laid in the grass a little way off from the goose place. Here we had the usual scenario turned on its head. I pointed out how a black cat most likely would look like a bin bag. The brain tends to tell us we're seeing what makes most sense to us.


So I asked her about the weather and then suggested she get back out there and double check. It was a bright, still day. Bag would still be there. It wasn't. Nor was it caught up on any of the surrounding hedges or fences. It had got up and walked away.


I could go on, cite a few more personal or close to it experiances. Why? I'm not concerned who believes or doesn't, but ridicule gets tedious, especially from key boards.


Just consider one, incontrovertable FACT, if you will, please? Go check out the Spring Traps Approval Order. Refer to the " Aldrich Foot Snare ". See; These cats are just like life forms from other planets; The Government is Never going to admit to them. But even they can't deny their own 'Law'.


Don't have nightmares! :laugh:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
my bull/whippet is a match for any animal :11:



How about the Whippet that got ripped to pieces by a " Badger ", as it's owner stood watching, from ten feet away. He swore it was a large, black feline and cub.


They sent out Armed Police and a helicopter, to search for this " Badger ". The Armed Police, it was said, were visibly shitting themselves as they moved into the underdrowth, HK's at the ready, looking for this " Badger ".


Like I said above; They'll never admit it. Hair samples from the dogs carcass were whisked away by the Government. Lost. Found. Came up as " Badger ".


But, hey; It Must have Been a " Badger " this bloke mistook, from ten feet, as a Large Black Cat and Cub. I mean, the Government would Never tell lies. Right?

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One of the problems with these cats is that if shot with a rifle then the shooter is in very real danger of losing his ticket as no police force will issue a variation for big cats as they are not proved to exist.Anyone shooting one and admitting to it would face prosecution for breaking the terms of their license.I believe no action would be taken if shot with a shotgun? :good:

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if they are out there they are alot smarter than we are as we've never seen 1. but would any of you let your dogs go into them? single handed me for 1 wouldnt.


I don't think they would stand and fight if they could get away, but even when i'm out with my mob 3 AmBulldog's and a Bullx i would be a bit concerned. But saying that i have a video on banned dog's and on it 1 Dogo Argentino give's a mountain lion a good hiding, obviously not filmed in this country. :icon_eek:

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