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6.5x55 for fox?

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my FEO told me 6.5x55 is not suitable for fox.. i cant shoot a fox with it normaly but if i see one on my stalking ground i can shoot it?? sounds a bit odd.. surly if it is not suitable i shouldnt be able to shoot one anywere.. also on my certificate is says 6.5x55 for deer stalking and fox control... whats your opinion on this? all the best Mo.

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it dosent say you must use it while deer stalking for fox control


so the way i see it you can use it for fox control anywere providing you have an open ticket dosnt matter what the feo says its whats on your ticket that matters

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Guest Fireball

If you own another weapon that's appropriate for fox control then the 6.5 can only be used for Fox whilst Stalking.

However if you only own one centerfire namely the 6.5x55 it can be used night time and day time for either fox control or Deer control on land that you have lawful authority to shoot on..

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ive never understood that one where feo's say that bigger calibres arent suitable for fox. dead is dead whether you punch a neat hole in it or half it in two, either way its humane to the animal and surely thats what counts. IMHO there is no such thing as overkill where foxes are concerned.


atb alan.

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What the FEO means is that he wouldn't issue a 6.5x55 specifically for fox control.


However, since ACPO guidance has relatively recently changed opinion, it works thus. If you ask them for a 308 or 6.5x55 for fox, you won't get it, because you don't a calibre that powerful for charlie. However, ACPO guidance says that you can shoot lesser species (i.e. fox) with a rifle conditioned for deer. This was covered by BASC in their magazine and is on Google if you have a butcher's.


Therefore, for new grants, fox can be conditioned on a deer rifle no problem. Previously Deker has also been told No, to a 308 for fox. Since the guidance it now appears on his FAC, and mine, no problem.


Therefore, your FAC should be conditioned for fox with the 6.5. If it's not and it's a recent grant, worth getting it added. The specific guidance from ACPO did not mean that it is legal to use your deer rifle on a fox without condition, it merely means that it will not be pursued by the boys in blue should you use your deer rifle for this purpose.


Therefore, you should be absolutely fine to put a f***ing great hole in old Charlie, but since you've raised it with the FEO, I would make sure UNLESS your FAC already says deer and fox very clearly next to the 6.5 (what's the exact wording - can tell for sure then).


It's a bit confusing tbh, but then it's firearms law - contradiction and confusion and never tested in court as your average copper doesn't know one end of a rifle from the other, and much less what calibre is what, and even less the laws on FAC conditions!!

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What the FEO means is that he wouldn't issue a 6.5x55 specifically for fox control.


However, since ACPO guidance has relatively recently changed opinion, it works thus. If you ask them for a 308 or 6.5x55 for fox, you won't get it, because you don't a calibre that powerful for charlie. However, ACPO guidance says that you can shoot lesser species (i.e. fox) with a rifle conditioned for deer. This was covered by BASC in their magazine and is on Google if you have a butcher's.


Therefore, for new grants, fox can be conditioned on a deer rifle no problem. Previously Deker has also been told No, to a 308 for fox. Since the guidance it now appears on his FAC, and mine, no problem.


Therefore, your FAC should be conditioned for fox with the 6.5. If it's not and it's a recent grant, worth getting it added. The specific guidance from ACPO did not mean that it is legal to use your deer rifle on a fox without condition, it merely means that it will not be pursued by the boys in blue should you use your deer rifle for this purpose.


Therefore, you should be absolutely fine to put a f***ing great hole in old Charlie, but since you've raised it with the FEO, I would make sure UNLESS your FAC already says deer and fox very clearly next to the 6.5 (what's the exact wording - can tell for sure then).


It's a bit confusing tbh, but then it's firearms law - contradiction and confusion and never tested in court as your average copper doesn't know one end of a rifle from the other, and much less what calibre is what, and even less the laws on FAC conditions!!


:yes::yes: I've got a 6.5x55 and it does a good job of sausaging fox's... again goes to show the inconsistency of how firearms law is applied between jurisdictions.


Edited to say: as a Fox Specific cal there are better choices out there but that it still no 'good reason' not to grant one IMO.

Edited by Local
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