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Snaring legalities?

Guest Tombola

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Guest Tombola

Hi there guys,


Complete novice here. I'm from London and Ive got some foxes who keep coming into my garden, making a mess and spreading my rubbish about.


I want to get rid of them, possibly by snaring some of them, but I don't know if this is legal or not? Will I get into trouble with the authorities?


Many thanks in advance for your help...



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Guest Tombola

Great, thanks... That is really useful.


I heard of a guy in London who shoots foxes, but to be honest he sounds like a bit of a nutter and I'd rather do it another way.


How can I get some snares? They sound really complicated - I don't know where to start!!!

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yeah tombola snaring would be an option but as you live in london and have not snared before in an urban enviroment non target species may be caught if the snare is not set in correct location height etc , maybe ask someone you know who has a good knowledge of proper legal snaring ,or as cupid says try a pesting firm hope this helps rob

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I live in west London and snare fox in the neighbourhood whenever they are causing a nuisance,I had to snare one a few weeks back as it was entering a friends garden in broad daylight for her kids rabbits and guinea-pigs.I taught my 10 years old son how to snare fox last winter and he took to it like a pro :yes: Backtrack through some of the old threads,plenty of advice on fox snaring,or failing that drop Woodga a PM,top man who is full of trapping lore :good:

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Guest Tombola

Thanks for the advice guys... And at least other people are doing it in London/cities so I know it's possible.


So who's this Woodga and how does he help people?

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Guest Nightwalker
  Tombola said:
Thanks for the advice guys... And at least other people are doing it in London/cities so I know it's possible.


So who's this Woodga and how does he help people?



There's a lot of of foxes in London, snare one and another will take its place. You want to protect a garden, the better and permanent solution would be to improve your fencing so that they cant get in any more, In most London gardens this shouldnt be too difficult.

Edited by Nightwalker
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  Nightwalker said:
  Tombola said:

Thanks for the advice guys... And at least other people are doing it in London/cities so I know it's possible.


So who's this Woodga and how does he help people?



There's a lot of of foxes in London, snare one and another will take its place. You want to protect a garden, the better and permanent solution would be to improve your fencing so that they cant get in any more, In most London gardens this shouldnt be too difficult.

nightwalker has a good point..... :good:

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Seen several fox jump my sisters 6 ft pinelap fence without missing a stride,know of another which regularly enters a garden via a sloping roof then hops down onto the wall and into the garden,its true proaction beats reaction,and improving your fencing may just keep them out,but now and again theres no alternative but to remove one :yes:

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It has just come to our attention from a very good source, Tombola works for Trinity Mirror Group

A reporter trying to get you to trip up so they can get a good story for their rag!

Please do not give out any info regarding how to contact people from this forum to anyone.


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