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sentimental treasured possessions

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Have an old book that was loaned to me by an old gent, he died before i returned it...his family said to keep it.


Also got a knife that was gifted to me by my 'best man'.....it has hallmarked solid silver pieces on the handle.

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mine is a small meddle in a leather bouch that my granfather had on him the day Michael Collins was shot dead my granfather was one of the drivers of the touring car that Michael Collins was in when they were ambushed at Beal NA mBlath on a stretch of road in West Cork

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To be honest i have no sentimental treasured possessions. My nanny passed away many years ago, not long before i got married....so she's not on the wedding photo's...she never saw who i married....and now i am thankful for that....marriage is over and done with.....i often wonder if she would have been disapointed in me....but knowing the person she was....i think she would be proud of me and my kids.......She's in my heart....and in my thoughts....and she was an amazing women....my daughters middle name is the same as hers.....and if i am half as strong as she was.... i will think myself very lucky indeed....

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I have a gold charm bracelet that was made from my great granpa's watch chain every year on my birthday my grannie would put on a charm. She died just after i turned 7. When i turned 21 i got a couple more for it but i have not had them put on as i am scared to take it to get them fitted in case it gets misplaced.I am 30 next year :laugh:

Edited by scottishlass
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Not a possesion but someone did something for me very recently that was totally unexpected , they gave me something to enable me to work towards getting a good camera , that person is solid gold , never ever slags anyone off , just quietly gets on with it , someone i have the upmost respect for and will & have learned a hell of a lot from :)

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I have a crucifix above my bed(i'm not religous),worth nothing,just a lot of sentimenta lvalue, used to belong to my Nan who used to have it above her bed when i stayed at hers when i was little'ish.

also a CD with all the family(cousins,uncles,aunts,nanna's grandads) photos on from all ages,my cousin made it when my Aunty died,got pics from all the families and scanned them onto a disc and gave everyone a copy(worth doing if you've got the time,or a good cousin :yes: ),can get very emotional when i get it out now and again,and also great for showing the kids were they come from ;) The other most treasured possesion for the moment are my memories and there the best :thumbs:

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