Guest anonymous Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 imo people on this site only say they'l match for this and that but ffs it not even AUGUST why waste your time organising matchs for dec/jan why not save it till november I hear what your saying but.......... What else do we have to entertain ourselves? I dunno about you but there's only so many f*****g pups you can be arsed looking at............. No, the guy threw out a challenge so either it's took up or it's shut up, simple really....... I offered mark a single handed all quarry challenge spread out over a full season, covering all aspects day and night and on all different ground...........did he take me up on it????? of course he didnt............... ................ he's only interested in playing the c**t and thats probably the thing he does best.............. Now that sounds interesting........ Don't know how you work the logistics of it but are you still offering him that then we'll see if what your saying is right? The logistics were quite simple really, i'd have a night lamping at his, he'd have one up here, then we'd have one on neutral land, then we'd have a couple of days on the fens, a couple of days beating through woods and a couple of nights on charlie, all single handed Bruce against Cat, whoever wins most days and nights wins, none of this silly £5000 shite, just for sportsman being sportsman.........i think thats where the problem was!!!!!!! Sounds like fun.... I've got maxharecock trying to challenge me on pm :wankerzo4: He started his post with, I've got a 5 year old dog who is semi retired....... ehhhhhhhhh hello, talk about getting your excuses in quick..... :stinker: pmsl your just so popular lol ! is it for 5k I think it's for 2 blowjobs and a can of diet sprite..... He pmed me back saying it isn't an excuse but it is my aunties pet dog fekin hate that diet sprite I know mate, I'm the same.... was going to change it to 3 blow jobs but then I thought, naaa f**k it, he can use it to wash out his mouth Link to post
Guest joe ox Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 Does anyone run dogs for pleasure these days :11: Link to post
riohog 5,805 Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 imo people on this site only say they'l match for this and that but ffs it not even AUGUST why waste your time organising matchs for dec/jan why not save it till november I hear what your saying but.......... What else do we have to entertain ourselves? I dunno about you but there's only so many f*****g pups you can be arsed looking at............. No, the guy threw out a challenge so either it's took up or it's shut up, simple really....... I offered mark a single handed all quarry challenge spread out over a full season, covering all aspects day and night and on all different ground...........did he take me up on it????? of course he didnt............... ................ he's only interested in playing the c**t and thats probably the thing he does best.............. Now that sounds interesting........ Don't know how you work the logistics of it but are you still offering him that then we'll see if what your saying is right? The logistics were quite simple really, i'd have a night lamping at his, he'd have one up here, then we'd have one on neutral land, then we'd have a couple of days on the fens, a couple of days beating through woods and a couple of nights on charlie, all single handed Bruce against Cat, whoever wins most days and nights wins, none of this silly £5000 shite, just for sportsman being sportsman.........i think thats where the problem was!!!!!!! Sounds like fun.... I've got maxharecock trying to challenge me on pm :wankerzo4: He started his post with, I've got a 5 year old dog who is semi retired....... ehhhhhhhhh hello, talk about getting your excuses in quick..... :stinker: pmsl your just so popular lol ! is it for 5k I think it's for 2 blowjobs and a can of diet sprite..... He pmed me back saying it isn't an excuse but it is my aunties pet dog fekin hate that diet sprite I know mate, I'm the same.... was going to change it to 3 blow jobs but then I thought, naaa f**k it, he can use it to wash out his mouth Link to post
BITCH 135 Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 imo people on this site only say they'l match for this and that but ffs it not even AUGUST why waste your time organising matchs for dec/jan why not save it till november I hear what your saying but.......... What else do we have to entertain ourselves? I dunno about you but there's only so many f*****g pups you can be arsed looking at............. No, the guy threw out a challenge so either it's took up or it's shut up, simple really....... I offered mark a single handed all quarry challenge spread out over a full season, covering all aspects day and night and on all different ground...........did he take me up on it????? of course he didnt............... ................ he's only interested in playing the c**t and thats probably the thing he does best.............. Now that sounds interesting........ Don't know how you work the logistics of it but are you still offering him that then we'll see if what your saying is right? The logistics were quite simple really, i'd have a night lamping at his, he'd have one up here, then we'd have one on neutral land, then we'd have a couple of days on the fens, a couple of days beating through woods and a couple of nights on charlie, all single handed Bruce against Cat, whoever wins most days and nights wins, none of this silly £5000 shite, just for sportsman being sportsman.........i think thats where the problem was!!!!!!! Sounds like fun.... I've got maxharecock trying to challenge me on pm :wankerzo4: He started his post with, I've got a 5 year old dog who is semi retired....... ehhhhhhhhh hello, talk about getting your excuses in quick..... :stinker: pmsl your just so popular lol ! is it for 5k I think it's for 2 blowjobs and a can of diet sprite..... He pmed me back saying it isn't an excuse but it is my aunties pet dog Link to post
Guest anonymous Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 Does anyone run dogs for pleasure these days :11: That's an oxymoron mate.... Whiff, if you want me to explain what an oxythingy is, let me know.... Link to post
Guest anonymous Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 This is a first for me..... got an argument going on the boards and one on pm..... f****n great this........ Link to post
Guest joe ox Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 That's an oxymoron mate.... Whiff, if you want me to explain what an oxythingy is, let me know.... The haggis must of been a bit high what you ate for lunch :sick: Link to post
border lad 1,047 Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 maybe anonymous, could get in touch with mr MB, and organise, a match, LDR. V MB. and the members of this hunting forum, who is interested in such a match, could throw in a £1- a head, there must be at least a couple hundred, members who would put a £1- just for the craic, and the two opponents could have a small wager, just to make it interesting, and the winner takes all, 1 night in Cornwall, and next in the north east, with appointed referees, both parties to agree, all rules, and referees, decision is final, and this would put an end to all the slanging matches, ((((( or they can organise a boxing match instead, Link to post
Guest anonymous Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 (edited) This is a first for me..... got an argument going on the boards and one on pm..... f****n great this........ I gotta share this with you lol......... Tel you what il do anus sorry annon, iv a bitch coming up 5 thats sort of retired as these days i concentrate on rearing , schooling then running greyhounds at NGRC tracks i will try and get her into some sort of resonable condition and have a day out with you on some large rabbits 3 runs apiece single handed, no kickups best from 3 wins, Tomo has some canny land round his way we could use, all you would have to do is get yoursel down Durham id drive us south to Tomos, It would have to be the end of November as im off on my travels in december , so are you up for a run then or is Puss in Boots full of pish. Sounds to me like your making excuses for your dog already.... But, yeah, sounds good to me mate. Might change the location though but yeah, ideal. Making no excuses i say it as it is, the bitch is kept by my aunt as a pet , saw it last week and she's carrying a few extra pounds but the offer is there Tomos Place nice big fields ( not fen ) 3 runs a piece no kickups, best from three, surely you aint afraid of a little past it overweight bitch who hails from a kennel of the little dog that jacked after a broken hock ? THE OFFER IS THERE end of November. if you dont want to accept stop coming across the big man and a c**t as mb always did. As I said MAX, I'll take you up on your offer but not on the ground you said, I'll choose the ground. You'l choose f**k all bitch, put up or shut up, decent sized fields in the midlands, good ****, hedges , dykes, 3-3 NO KICKUPS. Yes or No MOUTHPIECE, old fat bitch from a jackers kennel against whatever you run . Im in are YOU ? Edited July 19, 2009 by anonymous Link to post
riohog 5,805 Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 maybe anonymous, could get in touch with mr MB, and organise, a match, LDR. V MB. and the members of this hunting forum, who is interested in such a match, could throw in a £1- a head, there must be at least a couple hundred, members who would put a £1- just for the craic, and the two opponentscould have a small wager, just to make it interesting, and the winner takes all, 1 night in Cornwall, and next in the north east, with appointed referees, both parties to agree, all rules, and referees, decision is final, and this would put an end to all the slanging matches, ((((( or they can organise a boxing match instead, Link to post
Malt 379 Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 maybe anonymous, could get in touch with mr MB, and organise, a match, LDR. V MB. and the members of this hunting forum, who is interested in such a match, could throw in a £1- a head, there must be at least a couple hundred, members who would put a £1- just for the craic, and the two opponentscould have a small wager, just to make it interesting, and the winner takes all, 1 night in Cornwall, and next in the north east, with appointed referees, both parties to agree, all rules, and referees, decision is final, and this would put an end to all the slanging matches, ((((( or they can organise a boxing match instead, Nah, feck that. I already pay £5 a year donation, well worth the money for the entertainment value on threads like this one.. Link to post
Guest anonymous Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 maybe anonymous, could get in touch with mr MB, and organise, a match, LDR. V MB. and the members of this hunting forum, who is interested in such a match, could throw in a £1- a head, there must be at least a couple hundred, members who would put a £1- just for the craic, and the two opponentscould have a small wager, just to make it interesting, and the winner takes all, 1 night in Cornwall, and next in the north east, with appointed referees, both parties to agree, all rules, and referees, decision is final, and this would put an end to all the slanging matches, ((((( or they can organise a boxing match instead, That sounds good to me mate..... one thing though, I don't know mb mate lol. Link to post
Guest anonymous Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 imo people on this site only say they'l match for this and that but ffs it not even AUGUST why waste your time organising matchs for dec/jan why not save it till november I hear what your saying but.......... What else do we have to entertain ourselves? I dunno about you but there's only so many f*****g pups you can be arsed looking at............. No, the guy threw out a challenge so either it's took up or it's shut up, simple really....... Anus your a TIT, i said id run you end of November , Midlands with a 5 year old semi retired bitch that my aunt has, 3-3 flushes no kickups, good sized fields that has hedges, dykes and plenty quarry. Now you come back saying you want to chose the land , i replied im not into dragging posts or pm's on , either put up or shut up, its only a day out and as i said bring someone to hold your hand, the old bitch is from the same kennel as the jacker i have so why all the fuss and worry . Now its up to you. I offered mark a single handed all quarry challenge spread out over a full season, covering all aspects day and night and on all different ground...........did he take me up on it????? of course he didnt............... ................ he's only interested in playing the c**t and thats probably the thing he does best.............. Now that sounds interesting........ Don't know how you work the logistics of it but are you still offering him that then we'll see if what your saying is right? The logistics were quite simple really, i'd have a night lamping at his, he'd have one up here, then we'd have one on neutral land, then we'd have a couple of days on the fens, a couple of days beating through woods and a couple of nights on charlie, all single handed Bruce against Cat, whoever wins most days and nights wins, none of this silly £5000 shite, just for sportsman being sportsman.........i think thats where the problem was!!!!!!! Sounds like fun.... I've got maxharecock trying to challenge me on pm :wankerzo4: He started his post with, I've got a 5 year old dog who is semi retired....... ehhhhhhhhh hello, talk about getting your excuses in quick..... :stinker: pmsl your just so popular lol ! is it for 5k I think it's for 2 blowjobs and a can of diet sprite..... He pmed me back saying it isn't an excuse but it is my aunties pet dog Welcome to the party max, was just sharing our wee errr blether with the lads.... Link to post
Guest joe ox Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 can you lot not learn to edit instead of repeatedly quoting each other ffs :11: Link to post
Giro 2,648 Posted July 19, 2009 Report Share Posted July 19, 2009 This is a first for me..... got an argument going on the boards and one on pm..... f****n great this........ I gotta share this with you lol......... Tel you what il do anus sorry annon, iv a bitch coming up 5 thats sort of retired as these days i concentrate on rearing , schooling then running greyhounds at NGRC tracks i will try and get her into some sort of resonable condition and have a day out with you on some large rabbits 3 runs apiece single handed, no kickups best from 3 wins, Tomo has some canny land round his way we could use, all you would have to do is get yoursel down Durham id drive us south to Tomos, It would have to be the end of November as im off on my travels in december , so are you up for a run then or is Puss in Boots full of pish. Sounds to me like your making excuses for your dog already.... But, yeah, sounds good to me mate. Might change the location though but yeah, ideal. Making no excuses i say it as it is, the bitch is kept by my aunt as a pet , saw it last week and she's carrying a few extra pounds but the offer is there Tomos Place nice big fields ( not fen ) 3 runs a piece no kickups, best from three, surely you aint afraid of a little past it overweight bitch who hails from a kennel of the little dog that jacked after a broken hock ? THE OFFER IS THERE end of November. if you dont want to accept stop coming across the big man and a c**t as mb always did. As I said MAX, I'll take you up on your offer but not on the ground you said, I'll choose the ground. You'l choose f**k all bitch, put up or shut up, decent sized fields in the midlands, good ****, hedges , dykes, 3-3 NO KICKUPS. Yes or No MOUTHPIECE, old fat bitch from a jackers kennel against whatever you run . Im in are YOU ? he's a nice lad.... You might need to borrow marks bodygaurd he sounds a fisety one Link to post
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