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vermin control training

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please could you have a lookat the following link and tell me if these courses would be worth the investment as they are £80 + VAT each and let me know if anyone has been on the same or similar and of experieces and knowledge gained.


the courses and content sound interesting however i would like to know of other experience before i parts with hard earnt cash (two day wages + per course)



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Never been on one myself but know a few guys who have and were not very impressed, they got a hell of a lot on mole and rabbit biology etc and then a demonstration on how to effectively control rabbits and moles using one method only-gassing!! When they asked their "teacher' about trapping shooting ferreting etc they got a sidewards glance and something was murmoured about them not being effective methods of control. May have been just one bad apple though your not going to know until you try it yourself and at least at the end of the day if it is rubbish you still walk away with the piece of paper saying your competent which is what its all about these days unfortunately.



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I've done the RSPH Level 2 course and several day courses such those and think they are all worth it but as The One said they don't guarantee a job....Lantra is recognised as one of the better trainers

and as the class sizes are a max of 6 you should do well

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Lantra's not the training provider just the awarding body. The training company would have been assessed by Lantra to ascertain whether they were suitable & then follow a given syllabus. A Lantra qualification is quite well recognised though.

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