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gutting your rabbits

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just thought I'd put this clip up, Ive posted it in the rimfire section, but its the same way we gut rabbits after ferreting, so thought it may come in useful for a few of you for the forthcoming season,


its a very quick way of gutting large amounts of rabbits, if your selling the meat on, its probably not what a dealer/butcher would want to see, but for your own freezer, fert and dog food, it saves alot of time and you only loose the belly skin, as an example, we gutted 45 rabbits in 5 minutes flat, thats just over 6 seconds per rabbit,


the clip shows the shit bag is split in the second rabbit, remember these were shot rabbits, with ferreting, after practise, this would rarely happen, as the only time a knife is used, is at the start on the rib cage, the bits you dont want are pulled away, still leaving you the liver and kidney's



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Only done 2 in 30 secs in vid so that would be 4 a min??? show me the vid one in 6 secs for 5 mins none stop....



you always get one dont you, as I was trying to show others how we do it, pat did it very slowly, as for showing you how we gutted 45 in 5 minutes, who would have held the camera :doh:


not really worried wether you belive it or not mate, it was the technique we were trying to get across, not the speed

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done it that way myself, its a good technique. alot of mine go to a dealer as well so i use a stanly nife so theres a nice small slit. ;)


but as you say stubby its a very quik method. i think Giro's on the rag this week :tongue2:

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Thats faster than the toothpaste method :D



that method looks good when first seen, but when your skinning them its a different matter :sick:

way too many get burst shite bags in the process

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Thats faster than the toothpaste method :D



that method looks good when first seen, but when your skinning them its a different matter :sick:

way too many get burst shite bags in the process

Aye, and not good when you try to do it to a pregnant doe either.. :bad:

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