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1 million post's !!!!!!

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if you look at the bottom of the "forum home" page you will see the total number of posts


it is currently at 999278


which is an amazing acheivement..............well done to everybody that has posted over the years


there will obviously be over 1 million by the end of today or tomorrow


i wonder if the mods can tell who made the 1,000,000 post ???????????


just thought it was interesting ( but i am a bit sad)





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yup - problem been is 500,000 of them have been total shite - people just giving it large , my daddys bigger and harder than yours , 300,000 thousand have been pups for sale , which leaves the rest of genuine posts :D



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yup - problem been is 500,000 of them have been total shite - people just giving it large , my daddys bigger and harder than yours , 300,000 thousand have been pups for sale , which leaves the rest of genuine posts :D




it was a joke man , lightin up . ;)

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yup - problem been is 500,000 of them have been total shite - people just giving it large , my daddys bigger and harder than yours , 300,000 thousand have been pups for sale , which leaves the rest of genuine posts :D






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