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want to breed essp with a cocker

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What do you hope to gain from the cross?


My thought is you will be better off breeding to a good springer and ignoring the fashion that seems to be current of trying to change what has taken gererations to complete. If you have dog that you think is a good enough worker and specimen to justify continuing his line then why do you want to effectively end it by intriducing cocker blood?


People will have good sprockers but they wont do any different a job to a pure springer or a pure cocker. People will always have a tale of very good dogs that are out of their normal role but i had a golden retriever who would catch rabbits on the lamp, i wouldnt buy a golden retriever for that though.


I do know of a guy that had a nice soft springer and bred it to a keepers cocker. However this was a breeding because he knew the dog and liked the way it worked so he was breeding a bith he liked to a dog he liked to hopefully produce some pups that were nice steady workers (didnt matter that they were slightly different breeds, he was breeding for purpose because he knew both dogs).


Out of interest what would you be charging for a pup, they should be A LOT cheaper than a pure bred.


My advice would be find a nice springer to put your dog over and take a pup from the sire fee. You will not gain anything from crossing to a cocker (i have a cocker and think he is brilliant so im not in any way knocking cockers ability). If you want a cocker, buy a cocker and you will have one of each to cover the job that this cross is supposed to do differently than a pure bred

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i got 2 cocker spainels one 4 year old 36 field trial champs and got a bitch 1 year old and am going to breed them i would never cross them evr can some one tell me why you want to do that be nice to no.


dont say its for the brain or the size or they work better put a cocker against any springer any day so what will you get out of it

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