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Lots of fishing during in 2 weeks!!!!!!

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ok well in 2 weeks im visiting my nan.. and she has booked for me, mu cousin and my frend to go seafishing for the day... andy ideas what we might be catching ?? its in lime regus and what will be the best baits to use or the best lures???





then weel be goin to a day fishery close to her house... might be camping. not sure what it had in it.. carp and a few other things... might have a trout lake... any help on baits?





and then i will be going down the river for trout.. there are some reealy big ones in there... but the small ones are nusance as when you are targeting to biggerones, the smaller always bite, therefore spooking the bigger ones.


whats the best baits for trout... and can you catch them in the night.. and will a torch light spook them ???





Thank You






all information will be appreciated.

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