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Barrel Houses ~ Anybody use 'em?

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Anybody use Big Plastic Barrels as Dog Houses and how do you find them?



I use one and it does the job but i'm going to knock up a nice ply box when it starts getting cooler. It was a piece of piss to fiend coz its bright blue, get yourself out in the fields and look for them surrounded by game birds ;)

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Anybody use Big Plastic Barrels as Dog Houses and how do you find them?



I use one and it does the job but i'm going to knock up a nice ply box when it starts getting cooler. It was a piece of piss to fiend coz its bright blue, get yourself out in the fields and look for them surrounded by game birds ;)


I hope you're taking the piss with this suggestion.............

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If your'e going to use barrels use a wooden one: plastic is cold in winter and creates condensation from the heat from the dog's body which collects in the roof and runs down to make the bedding all wet.

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Anybody use Big Plastic Barrels as Dog Houses and how do you find them?



I use one and it does the job but i'm going to knock up a nice ply box when it starts getting cooler. It was a piece of piss to fiend coz its bright blue, get yourself out in the fields and look for them surrounded by game birds ;)


I hope you're taking the piss with this suggestion.............


Course I am :D , I got mine off the keeper before he drilled it and stuck legs on.

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I've been doing some research on them recently as I was thinking of swapping over to them too. Apparently, given the choice between a flat floored kennel and a curved base, eg a barrel, most dogs choose the latter. The problem is where can I find one big enough for three kelpies? :D

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