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what makes a good lurcher?

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there is training in all aspects of the traits of the working lurchers. some are gifted traits from the breeding and alot of traits can been trained, even a dogs strike can be trained to get better , this can be put in as pups so they do make the grade later on in the field. i could go on for ever , but wont bore people. have a good season . atb :angel:

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  Stuart O Connor said:
Alot of you are saying that starting a dog too young will ruin him !

What age is too young ?

And also introducing them correctly what way do ye do it ?



Myself personnaly would start bringing my pyps out at 6 months

only to watch and to learn gates and fences.


And around 8 months start giving easy rabbits or ones brought

back by my old bitch just to build confidence.


The dog will then let you know when its ready to do it on its

own if yous hunt as one.


Remember also dogs are never done learning.

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  johnbob said:
hi i hear everyone saying they have it only to hear it didnt make the

grade so they get rid! why do these ppl think the dogs the one that cant be trained

ile let you decide :angry:


"Prey drive" {best obtained by breeding worker to worker}


"Obedience" { A Big part of working a lurcher, sadly the dogs have to rely on their owners for that}



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Prey drive" {best obtained by breeding worker to worker}



not necesserily some dogs could be from the best breeding in the world. parents could be fantastic. dosent mean the pups will be though.


i know people that have had pet dogs not workers, wipe the floor with working bred dogs. the dog has it or it dosent but bringing it on properly will always help.

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