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Guest Frank

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Guest RobW71

Never had a real problem with mine, only a sticky on/off switch which was on the earliest MK3, sorted now.


A great bit of kit which I use between the Terriers and Ferrets, just swap the Locators between collars.


On the Ferret finder, there are two modes, search and then locate. search mode you lay the receiver flat and point to the signal, until you get to 8 foot or under and then switch it onto locate and hold the receiver upright just like the mk1 and find the nearest signal, the sweet spot is about 10 inches square so a bit of practice is needed to find the sweeter spot of the sweet spot, so to speak.


It's marked on the rocker switch S/search, L/locate.


Regards Rob

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mine has worked well for me, just need to learn hoe it works to a perfection, i put a bit of tape over my speakers because without it they sound like a disco mate :D . just lost my collar though :realmad: . anyone know where i can get any cheap collars? :D:D:good:

staffy-1 ;)

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They're a good bit of kit mate...though lots of lads slag 'em off without having ever even picked one up.


They are not to be confused with the MK11 which was a bit shat. Just don't prctice with them in the house as there are to many electrical items in there to interfere with the unit.



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Guest The Big Fish

For the life of me i cant understand what all the fuss is about.


Common lads, move with the times, the old mk1 was made of bits older than your grandmothers and those parts are no longer manufactured.


I have a mk3 and have used it a fair old bit now, no fecking different from the mk1, just a everso slightly different technique.

In fact i would say that extra range whilst on "search mode" makes finding much easier and less back breaking and when on "find mode" i think that the mk3 is just that little bit more accurate.


I suppose one who is a might jumpy, could be put off by the weird and wonderfull noises that the mk3 emits, but you very soon get used to it and despite what some may think, that noise certainly hasnt effected the bolting ability of the rabbits around here.

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The pin point device on the new mark 3 finders make them behave more like a mark 1 so you get the best of both worlds.


Last season due to interference (Rugby radio masts) mark 1 became totallly unusable in my area so was forced to upgrade to mark 3 which cut the interference out. It took some getting used to but overall ok.

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Top bit off kit Frank you wont be dissapointed once you get use to the noise :11: ,i was out of the ferreting scene for a while when i use to use old mk 1 and bit the bullet so to speak and bought one with two collars when i took it back up last year.Like yourself i was in two minds which one to get but was warned to stay clear of the mk 2 straightaway and has the other lads have said also found them easy it to use :thumbs-up:

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