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how old was the kid with the toy?

About 6-7, not that it makes a difference


Yep, that about proves it. Total bser (I hope), does this sort of thing qualify for a suspension? 'Bringing this forum into disrepute' :D


By the way, for your information my avatar is there for a reason 'Fox Destroyer' :p


Plus, it's just a nice pic :)

Edited by othickman
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Lads, this Fox Destroyer is a plum or an anti at the wind up........dont bother with him anymore!!

Whats your problem, why has everone jumped on me??i have been having the same problem as everyone else and all of a sudden people are having a go :(


You must be on a wind up, nobody can be that much of a prat!

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Guest john5
hi all. well pissed of got into a bit of trouble last night in the park. i was out with my 11 week old lurcher (meg)on the lead when a couple of little kids come over for a fuss so let them get on with it its good for the dog when one of the kids says watch it there is some big dogs running over. before i new it there was 2 f*****g bears around me they where st bernards off the leads they started to have a sniff around and within seconds bang grabbed meg on the back i shoved this f*****g mass of hair away and then the second dog had a go they are so strong its like trying to stop a bull with a red rag they wanted meg. so then a picked meg up and the two bitches come running over that was it i went mental say i will gut there dog in front of them if they didnt get them away but the dogs where to powerfull for them jumping left and right up me trying to get poor little meg then one did. it jumped and got her hind leg i gave that dog 2 of the hardest punch in the face i could then the fire works started pushing me gobbing of pluss two dog still not on leads i began to walk of to the entrance to the park with the dogs at my feet it jumpted at me again this time got my arm lucky it didnt get a good grip but two cuts and a rippted coat. i want them fuckers dead the police are coming round tonight but dont think much will come of it dont no were they live never seen them before . so a bit of a fright for both of us real shame i felt so bad for my pup and i couldnt sit down all night a wanted heads to roll. please no horrible coments a did the best i could to protect my little friend i feel mad just wrighting this.. thanks



should have kicked the fookers right in the guts and killed em , then smack the owners for having the ba$tards

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Guest john5

just read this posts and it is full of sh1t by a bunch of to$$ers , wilf is right and it is a wind up and if it aint you should not have a dog that is more inteligent than you

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hi all me lurchers fine back to playful selt after a day of her being quite. didnt want to cause arguments with this post and just say im not full of shit im a real honest person and dont get involved in much but just wanted to clear my name.... i no its not bad but one rippted up coat a upset dog and a good tooth mark in the arm....

039yuu.th.jpg sorry about the small pic im having problems

Edited by camokid
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  • 5 weeks later...

i had the same thing happen with my spanniel mate being attacked by a bigger dog. I aren't sure what bread it was.but it p*****d me off that much i have carried a small Knife every time I take him for a walk since just in case :whistling: .

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