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hi all. well pissed of got into a bit of trouble last night in the park. i was out with my 11 week old lurcher (meg)on the lead when a couple of little kids come over for a fuss so let them get on with it its good for the dog when one of the kids says watch it there is some big dogs running over. before i new it there was 2 f*****g bears around me they where st bernards off the leads they started to have a sniff around and within seconds bang grabbed meg on the back i shoved this f*****g mass of hair away and then the second dog had a go they are so strong its like trying to stop a bull with a red rag they wanted meg. so then a picked meg up and the two bitches come running over that was it i went mental say i will gut there dog in front of them if they didnt get them away but the dogs where to powerfull for them jumping left and right up me trying to get poor little meg then one did. it jumped and got her hind leg i gave that dog 2 of the hardest punch in the face i could then the fire works started pushing me gobbing of pluss two dog still not on leads i began to walk of to the entrance to the park with the dogs at my feet it jumpted at me again this time got my arm lucky it didnt get a good grip but two cuts and a rippted coat. i want them fuckers dead the police are coming round tonight but dont think much will come of it dont no were they live never seen them before . so a bit of a fright for both of us real shame i felt so bad for my pup and i couldnt sit down all night a wanted heads to roll. please no horrible coments a did the best i could to protect my little friend i feel mad just wrighting this.. thanks

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hi all. well pissed of got into a bit of trouble last night in the park. i was out with my 11 week old lurcher (meg)on the lead when a couple of little kids come over for a fuss so let them get on with it its good for the dog when one of the kids says watch it there is some big dogs running over. before i new it there was 2 f*****g bears around me they where st bernards off the leads they started to have a sniff around and within seconds bang grabbed meg on the back i shoved this f*****g mass of hair away and then the second dog had a go they are so strong its like trying to stop a bull with a red rag they wanted meg. so then a picked meg up and the two bitches come running over that was it i went mental say i will gut there dog in front of them if they didnt get them away but the dogs where to powerfull for them jumping left and right up me trying to get poor little meg then one did. it jumped and got her hind leg i gave that dog 2 of the hardest punch in the face i could then the fire works started pushing me gobbing of pluss two dog still not on leads i began to walk of to the entrance to the park with the dogs at my feet it jumpted at me again this time got my arm lucky it didnt get a good grip but two cuts and a rippted coat. i want them fuckers dead the police are coming round tonight but dont think much will come of it dont no were they live never seen them before . so a bit of a fright for both of us real shame i felt so bad for my pup and i couldnt sit down all night a wanted heads to roll. please no horrible coments a did the best i could to protect my little friend i feel mad just wrighting this.. thanks

that's a shame for meg and you mate i had the same thing happen to me years ago when i was looking after my mates dog when he was on holls i was punching and kicking the dog and there owners

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same happened to me when i had my beddy out he was only about 14 weeks old and on the lead 2 teenagers with 2 staffy type dogs set there dogs on him lucky i had just came in from work and still had my work boots on gave 1 a good kick as they tried to get the pup 1 grabbed him by the kneck managed to get a good kick at the other 1 hit it right in the chest dropped like a stone hit the other one across head with stone that was lieing in road opening its head up left loose of pup and run away i picked pup up and legged it dog i kicked never moved think it was dead but all the time this was happening the lads just stood laughing then started shouting you killed my dog you basxxxx cost a pretty packed at vets for pup and he has never been the same frightened of other dogs will only work by his self or with bitch i bought to try and give him a bit confidence with other dogs. if he's off lead and other dogs go near him he just legs it and trys to find the car.

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I sympathise entirely mate,had a staff attack my beddyxwhip when she was a pup.Completely unprovoked,the dog was off the lead and just came straight at her.Luckily there was no damage done to my pup,but the mental scars are obvious as she's terrified of other dogs now.Seen the same staff wandering around without a lead or collar for weeks after and eventually got the address of the clown that owned it.Needless to say my brother and i paid him a visit and the problem was sorted,but sometimes its best just to get the Police involved.Might be a pup one day,could be a small kid next time.Hope the pup makes a full recovery.Bill

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this happen to me a couple of weeks ago. Some dopey twit had two rotties and a great dane in the local park. The rottys lined-up my whip pup and chased and chased her. the owner had no control of them and was telling me to keep my dogs still so she could control them. My whip was so shit scared she kept running from them. I have the owner a serve and she said that her dogs were only playing, not at all the case. It ended well enough but it could have gone either way for sure.


i always say it's the owners issues not the dogs. those dogs haven't been taught the boundaries of what is good and bad.

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its just that couple of wankers around that cant be arsed to take the time to teach control if she had been that bit older i would have let her of the lead them fat slobs of dogs would stand no chance would of had circles ran round them il will stick to the farm lands no stupid thought less people there

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had that problem a year ago my old lurcher ywas just turning one and a big alsation started on my dog. the owner would not call his dog off and his dog ended up on its arse my lurcher swung round it got hold of its throat and had it pinned to the floor my dog had blood on him but it wernt his the owner went nuts and squaring up to me so he got plased on his ass with the dog he keeps the dog on a lead now. and he wonte look at me that dog to my dog was just a over grown fox.

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same thing happned to me when my whippertx was a pup, we were walking thease nice hilly feilds and id have seen another bloke walk their fat kelpyX and knew it was angry. it's ran towards me and cus i was trying to get bunnys and when i hunt i have my work boots on, i picked cooper up the dog wouldnt stop or slow down so booted it in the chest alot of words were exchanged but i havent seen that dog walking there ever again,

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hope ya dogs ok mate,a few years ago a rottie attacked my patterdale bitch while the owner of the feckin thing just stood there smirking,i got my pat away from it and told the bloke in no uncertain terms that we would meet again,the next time i saw him taking his dog out i followed him with my other dog a salx bullx,i waited at the top of a small hill which led down to the footie pitch,i waited until he was in the middle of the field with his dog then i shouted "hey dickhead" he looked up and i pointed at him(well his dog)and did the good old pssssssss,the bullx went steaming down the hill grabbed the rottie and threw it round the fecking field,you can imagine who was smirking now :clapper: dont forget mate revenge is a dish best served cold :victory:

Edited by craigyboy
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i no thats what im worryed about i have asked the chap from work to meet up with me at the weekend with his whippet/russel she a lovely dog fast as shit so they should have a good run around together... but he said dont punch me dog lol...

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hope ya dogs ok mate,a few years ago a rottie attacked my patterdale bitch while the owner of the feckin thing just stood there smirking,i got my pat away from it and told the bloke in no uncertain terms that we would meet again,the next time i saw him taking his dog out i followed him with my other dog a bullx,i waited at the top of a small hill which led down to the footie pitch,i waited until he was in the middle of the field with his dog then i shouted "hey dickhead" he looked up and i pointed at him(well his dog)and did the good old pssssssss,the bullx went steaming down the hill grabbed the rottie and threw it round the fecking field,you can imagine who was smirking now :clapper: dont forget mate revenge is a dish best served cold :victory:


Thats class craigyboy :clapper:


The same happened to me when my dog was a pup there was this manky asian woman with her mankier staff that used to walk up my road and her dog never had a lead and the thing attacked everything left right and centre kids, people, dogs you name it. So one day it came flying out of a side road when I was out with harry and it jumped on to his back and bit down he shook around trying to get it off and i gave it a right good boot (the whole time the woman was staring at a tree at the side of the road!) then when i finally got the thing off harry lost it and threw it across the road and shook the little b*****d like a doll. Never seen them to this day.


My da had a problem with theis young fat kid with a westie in our area too he used to set it on harry but one day harry was in his halti head collar and the boy let the dog off and it started digging into his chest. My da was shouting at the boy to control his dog and the boy just watched. So my said "right if you dont control him i unclip his muzzle!" Still no reaction. So lead and halti muzzle thing came off and that westie ended up a lovely shade blood lol I saw the boy the other day and his dog still trys it even after a handful of puncture wounds and a messed up face and neck...stupid thing.




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hi hope the dog comes right the dogs should be put down if they cant be controlled :censored:


i wont walk my dogs on the local park purely because i don't know how well trained the other dogs are. i have four dogs and if one got attacked i feel the rest of the pack would come to its rescue. i wont risk it happening knowing my luck it would be my dogs that end u getting destroyed.


when we visit my hubbies parents i have no choice but to walk at the park so i go early hours 3 or 4am no ones around and the bonus is the place is heaving with rabbits.

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