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Women and hunting

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  little lurcher said:
  riohog said:
  little lurcher said:
  anonymous said:
  little lurcher said:
i lamp ferret day walk, only trouble i have is finding a bloke who wants to work dogs as much as i do lol, at least a dog is faithful though, me and the kids are happy and love the field


Fkn hell....... turning into a lonely ads column............ err, sorry, good luck in your search... :search:



sorry you misunderstand me , i certainly have no need for a man ;)



we wont mention the piggy back thing lol :D



lol could have made the season a little more interesting lol



seriously though some women can cut it as good as many men , i would like to think i hold my own as a person not just a girly

i know what you and the dogs can do lol as a hunter better than most ;)

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i beg to differ, hawic lurcher & terrier show last year flat out at the start line, had to rescue him lying in a crumpled heap in a field last november wi a bust ankle because the dog pulled him over i could go on but ive got other things to do tonight :signthankspin:

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im hunting for 32 years and have yet to meet a lady that actually hunts lurchers,terriers for digging/bushing etc.ive met loads that ride out to hounds and loads that are foot followers to local pacs but ive never met any that actually take a full on involvement in the forementioned.I was amazed to see a few ladies on here going lamping etc when i first joined,wish thered be more into it,could make it very interesting planing future matings etc :whistling:

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We ardley talk [bANNED TEXT] were in the house together so i like to get out of the way with the dogs.On another note a couple of women both on this site one who i have bumped into while walking my dogs talk more sense than some dogmen who were at it before they were borne ill tip me hat to both of them keep at it lasses.atvb dell

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  jigsaw said:
im hunting for 32 years and have yet to meet a lady that actually hunts lurchers,terriers for digging/bushing etc.ive met loads that ride out to hounds and loads that are foot followers to local pacs but ive never met any that actually take a full on involvement in the forementioned.I was amazed to see a few ladies on here going lamping etc when i first joined,wish thered be more into it,could make it very interesting planing future matings etc :whistling:


well mate, i follow the local foxhounds either on foot, cycle or quad bike along with the bird of prey,only miss a hunt if its too far away (can't drive) i have been offered to join the terrier men with the hunt to see them work and help out with digging - which i'm really looking forward to! i own ferrets and an adult lurcher all of whom work except one ferret whose a pet, two pups that i'm bringing on, and a litter of kits.

am planning to learn to shoot and would love the chance to go deer stalking with someone...any offers! lol

have gained more permission today for working me lurcher, bring on september!!

my three year old daughters favourite dinner is "bambi pie/stew" loves bring "bambi sarnies" to nursary, she'll tell you how to butcher a rabbit or pluck a bird happily, walk into a butchers point out "piggy sausages, dead moo cow, sheep .. etc" - thats me girl!

having said all that i don't know any other girlie who is into all / most aspects of hunting so i do agree with you mate,

but then theres also the side of the coin, my ex husband hated me hunting and i know other men who are put off by a woman hunting tis catch 22

all the best lurcher lass x x

p.s very sorry, no future matings intended lol :icon_redface:

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I THINK IM IN LOVE :wub::clapper: jaysus the man must have been a right twat.great to see the kids are starting right too,well done very large pat on the back.just had a peek at your photo ........LIFE IS SOOOOO UNFAIR,beautiful kids too LL.keep up the good work :notworthy:

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I ferret with my lurchers and do my fair share of digging when ferreting, just started lamping last season and now have a terrier to help out with bushing. I've been taught how to work my dogs by men AND women who know their stuff. Had a go a shooting a while ago and loved it but don't have the money now. I'm too old for men to be 'interested' in me ( :no: ), so have to earn my passage by working hard, providing single malt in a hip flask and getting the first round in :drink:

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  Scallywag said:
I ferret with my lurchers and do my fair share of digging when ferreting, just started lamping last season and now have a terrier to help out with bushing. I've been taught how to work my dogs by men AND women who know their stuff. Had a go a shooting a while ago and loved it but don't have the money now. I'm too old for men to be 'interested' in me ( :no: ), so have to earn my passage by working hard, providing single malt in a hip flask and getting the first round in :drink:


That's the best way S.! Sex and field sports should remain separated or there is a serious risk of getting earth/muck/other unmentionable substances in places you'd rather not imagine LOL Erm, if you've never tried getting a grass seed out of delicate places you 'aint missed much :icon_redface::D:rofl:


Me, too, far too old to worry about my make up getting smeared during a dig, or my hair all mussed up out lamping. The more mature years do have their positive side, eh!


And Jigsaw: serious dog women may be far and few between but they do exist :whistling:

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  Vulpes vulpes said:
I was wondering are there many women out there thet are interested in hunting with dogs shooting ferreting etc? Also what do peoples wives/girlfriends think about that sort of thing do they get involved or just tolerate it?

mine comes everytime in fact sometimes she says to me...".please can we go out with the lamp tonight" :clapper:

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I love nothing more than to be out with the dogs, dispatching game doesn't worry me, and i can handle the various weather . . . . . . . When i was living in South Africa i did a lot of shooting and really enjoyed it . . . . :yes:


Equally i like getting my hair and nails done, wearing nice clothes, handbags, shoes, and scarves are 1 of my weaknesses . . . . . I'm a professional person and need to look smart a lot of the time. . . .. (thats the excuse i use for my account too!) :whistling:


I think it's about balance, my dogs and getting out hunting are a big part of my life, but i wouldn't want to be doing it everyday and night . . . . Odour "daed rabbit", has nothing on the sweet smell of Angel perfume! ;)

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Agree strongly Hannah4181, for me it has to be a balance between pretty dresses, cooking, and girly things along with getting stinking dirty ferretting in oversized waterproofs!


And when my boyfriend and I do go out shooting pigeons, my little fingers make reloading the pellets much quicker!

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i have worked the countryside since i was little (raised on a farm)

and it has taken a while to find a man that excepts that the animal come first. have heard its me or the dogs/horses three times i still have both the dogs and horses.

my hubbie doesn't hunt much (mostly through lack of time) and if there is a opportunity for one of us to get out i go as i have th kids 24/7 when hes away (army)

my boy 2 1/2 comes ferreting with me.


i spend more time in my Welles than anything else

when i do get dressed up it is really appreciated, which makes it worth the effort


if i had the choice of a hour to do my hair and makeup, or an hour out with the dogs i know which id chose every time!


'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention


of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body,


but rather to skid in sideways


- Chardonnay in one hand


- chocolate in the other


- body thoroughly used up,


totally worn out and screaming 'WOW what a ride!'

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