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Women and hunting

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  hyperion said:
  Hannah4181 said:
I love nothing more than to be out with the dogs, dispatching game doesn't worry me, and i can handle the various weather . . . . . . . When i was living in South Africa i did a lot of shooting and really enjoyed it . . . . :yes:


Equally i like getting my hair and nails done, wearing nice clothes, handbags, shoes, and scarves are 1 of my weaknesses . . . . . I'm a professional person and need to look smart a lot of the time. . . .. (thats the excuse i use for my account too!) :whistling:


I think it's about balance, my dogs and getting out hunting are a big part of my life, but i wouldn't want to be doing it everyday and night . . . . Odour "daed rabbit", has nothing on the sweet smell of Angel perfume! ;)


all ill say is mink hounds and leaky boots plus getting your car stuck in a boggy wood! lol! mind you you did look quite good while i was trying to dig the front wheels out of the mud!


miss T gets kinda blood thirsty now and again but she just takes it out on me by stabbing me in the back of the head with a spoon!








Ok the car thing was a very easy mistake to make . . . . . . and you were very valiant in your attempts at rescuing me! ;)


And as for the mink hounds, the action was coming so thick and fast, all thought of hair and nails went out the window . . . . . . . . i was on fire that day! :clapper:

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the wife shoots, works the dog and is a clay shooting instructor i think she is looking forward to the duck season starting more than me.

you want to see her teaching a stag party how to shoot in her pink shooting gear and then she wipes the floor with them when try to get smart

im just in the process of importing a pink semi auto for as browning have stopped doing the the pink cynergy

and the best bit i'm aloud out shooting anytime i want :D

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