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My neighbors given me his Ferret

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My neighbor has been diagnosed with cancer so has asked me to keep the Ferret that I'd been looking after for him.

I've been trying to handle it daily when feeding but it bites like buggery and runs off and hides with the food, it's got to the point I'm even considering wearing a glove with it! lol

I've been hoping it would get used to me and being handled and she will now hang limp in my hand for a few seconds before flipping out and attempting to bite.

She has caught me several times but she only nips rather than full bites so is not panicing? it's like she's just giving me a friendly warning to put her down before she gets pissed off.


What would you do? wear a glove and just refuse to put her down until your ready? or just keep up the daily handling?





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exactly how my new kits are mate they were biting me as soon as they could walk out of the nest but now after handling them daily they are occationally niping me wich is down to not feedeng them soon as i see them as i clean the cages out first but keep up the good work mate glad you have took them on in the first place.


all the best liam

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Don't know if this helps, but worked for me with my first ferret, was mental. I had bites up and down my hands and wrists for weeks. Then I tried this, put a little milk into a jar lid or something wee and set it down for ferret to drink. When it does that, pour some into your cupped hand and let it dribk. Stroke it etc and it should come round quickly, worked for me and that ferret only bitten me once sine then, but that was me lifting her from a burrow in a hurry. This was a method I read somewhere that old ferreters used in old days.


I personally don't like using gloves with animals as you can't feel right and don't have control over things. Although I have met a couple of budgies that you'd need a gauntlet on to handle haha

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Feed more than it can eat in one sitting , i wouldnt bother handling for a week or so , just get it used to the fact that foods not going to be limited , then after a week or so just try hand feeding a little bit of meat , each time you want to handle it

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for christs sake dont flick it on the nose,, :angel: seriuosly though i tend to cup mine in my hand when i have picked them up ,,i have some young ones that nip every now and then ,if i hold them they nip but when i cup them they dont half as much ,,jas

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Guest sph1979

I had a ferret from 8 week old, he was the nastiest ferret ive ever seen but a cracking worker. i only had him for a season as no one would pick him up. We used to have to use a landing net to catch him when out ferreting. He would even bite the dogs. I used to handle the ferret (try to) for at least 2 hours a day. b#stard thing lol. He is now running through burrows in the warm place most probably

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Sounds like its only had a certain amount of feedings per day so its trying to eat all it can cos it thinks its getting no more.

Fill up a bowl of dry ferret biscuits and leave them in all the time this way it will know food is always available and wont get greedy

also give raw meat aswell to pog it up.

Get some ferretone or some malte paste from pets at home, ferrets love theese and you can sit down whilst it licks the tube. Then clench ya

fist and put some on your knuckle so that way if it wonts to bite it cant get grip, when it bites take it your hand away and say NO and re offer again, it

will get the idea :)

Edited by joe14
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Thank you for all the comments and suggestions and I'm sorry for not replying sooner.


Spit in your hand and let it lick the spit off, an old ferreters trick. Also, wait for it to finish eating, then try handling it. :thumbs:

Christ, I haven't heard that one for a while!!! an old keeper told me to do that when I was young and got my first ferret! and I did it with every kit i got after that. I forgotten I used to do that! lol


Right, I hold the feed bowl (wet cat food) in my lap and she jumps up, takes a piece of food and is off to the corner of the hutch to eat it. I stroke her when on my lap, and when in the corner eating. I've tried before to leave her to eat in peace, then come back later but after she's eaten all she wants to do is run past me into the garden (which isn't Ferret proof) and this is one of the main times she'll bite. As I reach for her to pick her up she'll have a go.

I'm not inexperienced with Ferrets, just a bit rusty! so I have never snatched to pick her up, hence the reason I get bitten! Once you get past the shock of a ferret nipping you, it doesn't actually hurt that much.


Joe14 I was in Pets at home today getting a new Hamster for my Daughter but couldn't find any Ferretone? I guess I'll have to see what meat pastes they've got at Morrisons?


To be truthfull, up until now I had presumed she would be going back, so hadn't tried much with her. Now I'm keeping her, I want to get on with her training, and being able to handle her is the first step, then recall, scenting, fitness etc.


Does anyone else whistle to recall their ferrets? used to be handy when working and the ferret disappears off the finder box. I've had a few times when they've come bouncing down the hedge back to me and must of slipped out of an unseen hole.

I just whistle when feeding and the ferrets soon learn to come for a treat when called.


As for her Fitness.... I found a 'new' toy today at the pet shop! it's a giant ball for Ferrets! lol, I couldn't resist, she's been in it all night mucky about the living room behind me! The missus didn't want her in the house but as she's at work ;)

It took her a bit to get used to, as it kept wobbling about but she fell asleep in it for 10 mins then woke up and was off! I was tempted to start having races between the Ferret and Hamster in their respective balls! :clapper:

Also got a hammock thing, ladders and balls to keep her entertained (she's on her own)


They also sold Giant wheel things (like the ones for Hamsters) anyone tried it? do the ferrets actually use them?

What toys have you got that the ferrets like playing with?


Cheers again



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