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What different animals have you fed your Ferrets

Guest Countryboyo

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Rabbit, pidgeon, birds the cats had when we had one before the greyhounds arrived :whistling: a turkey that a gamekeeper friend of mine ran over , it was massive & i had to bin 3 parts of it , dead pet rabbit from next doors house , the bloke didnt like it & his Mrs left it there when she buggered off so when it died he said it may as well go to feed the ferrets :yes:

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rabbit, hare, pigeon, duck, pheasant, deer, magpie, crow, chicken and god knows what else.

none of my ferrets are fussy eaters they all eat what ever gets put in the hutch.

oh and some dimwit i left two of my jill ferrets with one time fed them a hegehog :icon_eek::censored:


cheers, jay.

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All the usual, but also a coulple of mice the cats brought in, a blackbird that flew into a window and one time, some haddock.


However, my dog killed a field vole (I was shifting an old tarp and he jumped on it, and in doing so squashed the vole...) the ferrets would not touch it!

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I've fed deer, pork, rabbit, rabbit pinkies, mice, rats, turkey, chicken, beaver, goat, squirrle, lamb, veal, meal worms, quail, cabrito.. Soon I'll be adding woodchuck. And I'm sure I've fed some other stuff that I can't remember. Of course each ferret has it's own likes and dislikes, but all in all everything gets eaten.

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i like to give my ferrets a varied diet,


on day to day bases they get:

minced chicken,lamb,tripe (whichever the dogs are having) along with top up of james wellbeloved ferret bics

egg and milk mix

and then any game remains i have to spare, e.g me ferret kits are polishing off a deer head i had in the freezer, but this could mean rabbits which i get, or game given by a local who shoots, so pheasent hare woodies etc


once a week they get day old chick

peanut butter

tuna / mackeral in oil

and cream


the lil feckers eat better then i do FACT but they look lovely on it

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