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At what age can ferrets be taken out ferreting?

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I have a 12week old jill at the moment, And I am planning on working her. What would people say the minimum age was for ferrets to be out working. By the time ferreting season comes she will be around 8months old. All help is greatly appreciated.

ATB Mike.

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Will normally give this years young a run out back end of season. Tend to stick to small warrens possibly 3 eyes. I usually let one of my experienced ferrets go through first especially if its the younguns first time down there because its not just rabbits that could be in there. :o

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Will normally give this years young a run out back end of season. Tend to stick to small warrens possibly 3 eyes. I usually let one of my experienced ferrets go through first especially if its the younguns first time down there because its not just rabbits that could be in there. :o



what elce could be down there mink, stoat? reason i ask is i have 8 week old kits that im planning on working late winter along with my 1yr old hob wich has never been worked

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Guest Countryboyo
Will normally give this years young a run out back end of season. Tend to stick to small warrens possibly 3 eyes. I usually let one of my experienced ferrets go through first especially if its the younguns first time down there because its not just rabbits that could be in there. :o



what elce could be down there mink, stoat? reason i ask is i have 8 week old kits that im planning on working late winter along with my 1yr old hob wich has never been worked


Stoat or big rats could cause problems

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i tend to give my young ferrets of this year a go around february time of next year,it gives them time to build up their muscles,what we must think of is that a back kick from a large buck rabbit could break a young ferrets neck or cause serious damage and put the youngster off for good,give them time and dont rush into things when you do take them out,be patient with them,if you have a goood marking dog only place them in the ones he marks ,theres no point placing them in unused warrens to train them a lot of ferrets will only work where theres scent ,also there could be anything down the bury from little owls to foxes or even badger,,,

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was just about to mention badger .. but you beat me to it lol !!


give them time, lots of handling, get them used to you, your voice, being on floor while you step around in big boots, your dogs, tunnels, get them used to everything they'll see on the day, i also take me ferrets out every now and again to some land, just to get them used to being in a strange place with me and me dogs, then its not such a surprise for them, also the bigger the run they have in your garden the fitter they are and longer they can work


best of luck, but time and patience is the key


hope this helps

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i dont like posting on the ferret section anymore but i just like to give advice so if peopel dont like my thread just have ago at me liek every other ferret folk does :icon_redface:

iv always started to work my ferret from about 7-9 months old find a small set and work a more experianced ferret with the youngster.

but get the kit going through drian pipe alot while its still young to get it use to dark tunnels> :thumbs:


just trying to help!

atb with your ferret josh.

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Theres no need to worry about it mate, you had it right yourself, you said you wanted to work it this coming season. Then do so, just do it with an experienced ferret. I f your ferret is from working stock and has been kept fit while growing up, it will have no problem with a stoat or rat, they would rather bolt than have a confrontation(not like a lot on here)...


And as for badger, well in all my life of ferreting i have never had a badger nor fox attack a ferret. If you worried about all these things you would never enter it to ground... Just enjoy your young ferret, and if it doesnt want to work, then dont force it, take it home and leave it a while...


And as for only entering the ferret into a warren that a good marking dog hasnt marked, would be a daft thing to do anyway. THats why you have a marking dog, so that you dont waste time and enter into a dead earth......A good marking dog is usually 99% right anyway..

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