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More of a mone really but any advice would be a help.

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More of a mone really but any advice would be a help. My dog is 14 moth old and has just started Rabbit hunting, she's normally good and we work as a team locating Rabbits . I always go out at dusk, and come home before its totally dark. But tonight my dog really got me angry, she would not come back to me. I know she was not on the sent of a rabbit , she was just walking round the woods and refuse to come. I tried waking on without her but she did not follow me and I had to go back, I tried hiding , I also tried calling her to me and in the end chasing her. I did get her in the end but it was so dark by now I had truble getting back out the woods, I was so angry with her as she is normally quite good. I am now worried to let her off lead again. But I don't want to give up the hunting as we both enjoy it Any training tips would be great. She's an Elkhound stubborn by nature.

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if she refuses to come to you,you could try getting down to her level,ie on your hands and knees,an try calling her then,you might look a tit to passersby,but ive tried it in the past and they come bounding over,worth a go mate :victory:

Edited by craigyboy
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when out on your walk call her back to every few minuites, make a big fuss of her good dog and all that give her a treat. then let her go of again. if you only call her back to you when its time to go she is anticapating the end of her fun.

after a while she will see coming to you as a good thing not just time to go home.

and get down to her level as allready said.


i dont think this applies to you as i assume you have had the dog since a pup but just in case,

i have a rescued dog here who was a bag of nerves when she came to me i couldnt hold my hand out to her as she thought i was going to strike her hands down by my sides and eyes away were the way with her (shes a diffrent dog now)

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Thanks.. she can be a stubborn girl and blank me out . She's never been the best for coming back , always takes her time but has never just walked off and left me before. I do call her back to me more than a few times in the walk and mostly she will come . Getting down to her level never works she turns her back on me if I do that lol, I think I will keep her on a long lead for a bit. I can use it to help her get in to a better position when we see Rabbits and then just let go of the lead to let her hunt.

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had a better night tonight, kept her on a long lead and crept up on a group of Rabbits, got close enough to get her to see them, then let the lead go, she had a grate time charging at them and got very close to caching one, got her back by grabbing the end of the long lead. Wish they did water prove leads, it was soaking . After that she payed more attention to me and started using her eyes more , looking instead of sniffing the air. So it will be the long lead from now on :D

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