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In for my operation on Saturday...............

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I went to the BRI in Bristol today for my pre-op assessment,you know bloods/ECG/Chest X-Ray,and a chat with a 'Nursing Specialist' to tell me exactly what I need to know,and,to show me the actual thing that they will seal up the hole in my heart.It was amazing to be honest,and,it just never ceases to amaze me with the leaps and bounds there has been in the medical arena.On saturday night(I think)I watched a programme on BBC2 all about heart surgery from before the world wars upto date,and,the sealing of the 'PFO' (hole in the heart)that they will do to me would of had an 80% fatality rate only 40yrs ago,primarily because they had to actually stop the heart for up to and maybe over 6 mins,and,work on an open heart,as opposded to how they do it today by going through a vein in the groin with a catheter,and,usually going home the same day.I am not quite so lucky,because my hole is abnormally huge I have to stay in,but,I am hoping to be out the day after(Sunday)with any luck.The bad news though,is...............no driving again for a few days,and,no lifting,and,adding insult to injury NO FECKING SHOOTING,well no centrefire anyway.

So,please wish me luck,because if I get any infection,which sometimes happens as you are putting a foreign body into the heart then that will mean 6 weeks in hospital on 'Intensive Antibiotics,I know my fingers are well and truly crossed..........................Cheers..........Martin.

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I hope all goes to plan and your out and about soon :good:

If you need a hand carrying that rifle of yours just give me a shout! I know, I know, decent of me to offer! you don't need to thank me! lol


Good luck for Saturday mate,


All the very best.



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I’m having a operation on my knee in a couple of months. I’m fed up of the hospital I spend more time there than I’m in the house. Try not to worry about it Martin it will soon be over and you can sit on your bed and look at the nurses to pas the time :wub::D . atb bedrock

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Not going to wish you luck Martin because you don't need it, you will be fine. I work in cardiac theatres and see heart operations every day, its amazing what they can do now. BRI has some of the best surgeons in the SW (lucky you :) .


All the best, let us know how you got on.



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