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  • 5 weeks later...
sounds like a great day out, Del.


Thanks Del :signthankspin: .


We do our best to accommodate everyone, as do the Game Fair Organisers. People have often complained about us terrier/lurcher people being treated as the poor relatives at various Game Fairs etc where they’re hidden away and provided with inadequate facilities. That’s never the case at Ragley!!! The Game Fair organisers are just as enthusiastic about terrierwork and working terriers as we are. They do everything possible to promote the working terrier, along with the terrier show itself.


The Open Show is held in a prime and well sign posted location with plenty of ringside parking for exhibitors, and the Champion of Champions Show is allocated a one hour slot and held in the Game Fairs Main Arena.


Each qualifying terrier is provided with a “details sheet†and as each individual dog enters the Main Arena the Commentator reads out their details including their working background (see the videos).


The Open Show is a last opportunity to qualify for the 2009 N.W.T.F. Champion of Champions Show held later in the day and this starts at 11:30am. There are two separate rings for Coloured Terriers and Jack Russells, and a full range of classes (see schedule). There’s also a separate Lurcher Show organised by the N.L.R.C.


This year is the N.W.T.F.’s 25th (Silver) Anniversary and each Qualifying Terrier entered on the day will receive a commemorative plaque to mark the occasion (see picture).




In addition to their perpetual trophies and rosettes, the Champion of Champions and Reserve will also receive a suitably inscribed solid pewter figurine of “The Terrierman†to keep (see picture).




The weather forecast is looking great and we look forward to seeing everyone on the day :cheers: .

Edited by Barrie
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got my qualifier in the other day for it looking forward to it


atb keano :victory:

see you sunday keano,are you coming for the weekend?


just the sunday terrier 2 hows thing been ?

god thats a long all drive for one day,fair play,if you want to come the day before you are welcome to stay here.we are only about half hour from ragley

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got my qualifier in the other day for it looking forward to it


atb keano :victory:

see you sunday keano,are you coming for the weekend?


just the sunday terrier 2 hows thing been ?

god thats a long all drive for one day,fair play,if you want to come the day before you are welcome to stay here.we are only about half hour from ragley

Tnanks very much for intive Terrier 2 but were setting of early morning that very nice of you . atb keano :notworthy:

NO PROBLEM..look forward to sun..barrie really puts on a great show as always

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Terrier.2.... Thanks for that kind comment. But a show's only as good as the people who attend and we've always been very fortunate in the support we've received over the years. That, along with the facilities provided by the Game Fair organisers, enables us to promote the working terrier and terrierwork to the general public in a way we can all enjoy :) .


Keano.... It will be great to see you again. Have a safe journey and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday :clapper: .

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Terrier.2.... Thanks for that kind comment. But a show's only as good as the people who attend and we've always been very fortunate in the support we've received over the years. That, along with the facilities provided by the Game Fair organisers, enables us to promote the working terrier and terrierwork to the general public in a way we can all enjoy :) .


Keano.... It will be great to see you again. Have a safe journey and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday :clapper: .

Just think Barrie 25 years ago at the first meeting of the NWTF we did not think that this far down the line we'd be still working our terriers and running shows.So if any show organisers are thinking of making a donation to charity think about this, most of our problems stem from so called"charities" a donation to the NWTF will help to ensure our kids will still be terrier men & women in another 25 years yours in sport Vulpicide

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i'll be there lads and ladies cant wait :D


p***y, thanks for your support, we look forward to seeing you. Please be sure to come up and say "Hello", it's always nice to be able to put faces to names :).

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The local forecast on each of the 3 websites I use is giving us 3 out of 3 for some great weather on Sunday :) .


The Field magazine have also been in touch to say they'd like to cover the show and to do some interviews. So hopefully the good weather will enable them to get some great pictures of some very nice terriers looking their best.


For those who are coming to the show, have a safe journey and please do come up to the Federation stand and make yourself known (I'll be the ugly bugger on the microphone).


I'll try and get some pictures of the winners posted once we're home (assuming my brain's still in gear), or by Monday at the very latest :thumbs:.


Y.I.S. - Barrie

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First of all, a very BIG thank you to everyone who supported the show.


The weather was kind to us, albeit a bit sticky and the turnout nothing less than spectacular. To the extent that the Open Show, plus the Championship prejudging overlapped with our allocated Main Arena slot for the Champion of Champions Class and this had moved to a later time.


There were 63 finalists in the Championship class, definitely one of our best ever entries and when the final 8 were lined up it was in my opinion the best that I'd ever seen at Ragley, or indeed anywhere else.


The Field magazine where there to cover both the Open Show and the Championship, they did a number of interviews around the ring with exhibitors and judges, took lots of photographs and are planning a large 3 page spread on the show.


Once again a very big thank you, it really does make all the effort worthwhile :signthankspin:.


A few pictures as promised....




















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