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  dessyb said:
hope they picked a proper working terrier tha the one featured with mrs m....well

well mrs...m wasnt a working terrier its never seen work app,but app the one next to mrs...m has and whilst we down to it perhaps the dogs should go in without the added colour,pity it hadnt rained then you would have seen the real dogs...ha as for the winner well

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Do you mean some people dye them ?? :toast: Did hear a member on here has dye, hair dryers etc in his van ..Now that is taking it to extremes LOL.. At least there was a good turnout for the NWTF full marks go to the organizers.

Edited by donnyc
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  bush1 said:
  dessyb said:
hope they picked a proper working terrier tha the one featured with mrs m....well

well mrs...m wasnt a working terrier its never seen work app,but app the one next to mrs...m has and whilst we down to it perhaps the dogs should go in without the added colour,pity it hadnt rained then you would have seen the real dogs...ha as for the winner well


as for the winnner well:-well what?elaborate please!

Muddy. :big_boss:

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  bush1 said:
  dessyb said:
hope they picked a proper working terrier tha the one featured with mrs m....well

well mrs...m wasnt a working terrier its never seen work app,but app the one next to mrs...m has and whilst we down to it perhaps the dogs should go in without the added colour,pity it hadnt rained then you would have seen the real dogs...ha as for the winner well

water proof dyes these days , :whistling:
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TERRIER SHOWS attract many types working terrier lads and people who keep working types that

dont work them , so what , the final yesterday had a mix of both , the judge on the day picked what in

his opinion was the best working terrier, the last eight had a few workers and a few unmarked, then he took it down

again the last two are enterd terriers both fine lookers aswell, WELLDONE TO EVERY ONE WHO MADE IT TO THE FINAL . IAM OFF TO ENROLL ON A HAIR GROOMING COURSE ASAP :icon_eek::tongue2:

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Just an observation, but from someone who’s been at the front line longer than he’d choose…. if people were as willing and put as much effort into promoting terrier work and attacking its opponents instead of each other, then there’d be a lot less work for others to do. JMHO.


Gonetoearth, DonnyC (you ‘auld bugger) & Terrier2…. thanks for your kind words :) . It was fun (as all terrier shows SHOULD be), albeit a bit hectic on the day. But the real credit must go to all those who turned up to support the show, without them it would have been a failure :signthankspin: .


Muddyboots… no offence intended, but there are 2 groups which I despise and who thrive on gathering whatever information they can…. “Antis†and “Dog Thievesâ€.


Over the years I’ve had more dealings with both than most, and I’d hate to do anything which might help either of them in any way, shape or form. So wherever possible I try to avoid publishing people’s names, but I have amended the original captions to include those of the dogs. I hope you’ll understand and bear with me :) .


Once again, a BIG thank you to everyone involved :signthankspin: .


Kindest Regards - Barrie

Edited by Barrie
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i was there at " ragley " , what a credit to ALL the terriers there. the condition and class of dog, working dog or not working was outstanding.not a job i would want, to pick the champion, the judge had his work cut out ! the terrier show has changed over the last few years, from beging a meeting place for just terrier boys to meet, to being more of a family day out.most of these shows are to support the local hunt,and after seeing the amount of young kids takeing part, hunting may have a future,but only if we all stick together.people go to these"s shows and part with their money and any money to support the hunting world is much needed, wether their dogs work or not.

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