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Sometimes its true

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Got a phonecall from a lad with a small holding(sixteen acres split into small padocks of about 3, 5 and 8 acres) Hello he says are you the rabbit lad, i am looking out my back window and i can see at least 30 rabbits running around(turns out hes looking at the five acre padock) can you come and sort them out for me, to be honest i have heard it so often before i nearly said no,(you get there and theres two at most) but it was just up the road from me so i said id come and have a look.

After ariving and having a chat whith what turned out was a right nice fella who got my number from a leaflet id left with a farmer i had done a moleing job for, we went round his back and there they were at least thirty rabbits running around this small paddock, its mainly in here he said but there are rabbits in the other fields, the rabbits were in quite thick hedges that even in winter would be thick, and the fields not long being emptied of cattle were not quite up enough for my limited snaring skills(he wasnt keen on that idea anyway as he had cats out and about) so i said i would come up on wednesday and try and shoot a few.

Wednesday came and up i went, as the ground was hard i drove into the field and plinked away till half nineish getting 24(only 22 in pic but got another two after the photo) the lad said ill let you knoe how thats done, if i see many in the morning ill let you knoe, i thought that would be that, but no on thursday he phoned to say there is still loads so i went back on Fiday and got another eleven and two pigeons. so that was thirty five rabbits from a five acre paddock, i was right pleased with that and glad i went, will be going back to do the rest soon, but that paddock was the main problem, and it should be a bit better for a while.


wednesdays bag, pic taken on phone sorry for quality


fridays bag

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Thanks for the replys, i am hoping that this year will be a bumper for rabbits, after last years disaster round this way, we need a good one, the gun is an AA S410, i quite like it , but im no expert on air guns(or any gun for that matter) its a .22 version and i have pulled off some decent long range kills with it of up to 50 yards i would say(paced out at around sixty paces) i have it scoped at 30 yards which realy is more the limit of my shooting skill.

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