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post-19091-1247348594_thumb.jpgwas coming home from the hunt kennels tonight after tea and as i was driving down the road i could hear a whistling noise. i looked around and one of my terriers was missing. she must have put her paw on the frikkin electric window knocking the window open and then dived out. i had been doin approx 60mph. i turned the car and was about 1/2 mile up the road to see about 5 cars with hazard lights on. panic set in as i thought i was going to find a dead dog. she was sitting in the front seat of the 1st car with hardly a scratch on her. they had picked her up as she was running the road. she has a few bruises but appears to be alright. boy, am i glad she is ok. she will be lying at the side of my bed for tonight.
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one night i was walking out of a field back to the van when my lurcher - 11mth old -slipped his lead and was running up the A5 which is very busy at night taking lorries up to Holyhead - both ways i could see lorries coming - i panicked - the dog was running everywhere and i was just waiting for the inevatable - i flashed the lamp furiously along the road and on the dog and luckily both lorries screached to a halt - dont know who was the most scared - me the dog or the drivers who must have been wondering what a bloke was doing in a muddy field in the early hours !

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