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On the door step of the Taliban

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because of the rescession the army is at 98% compacity now so its only picking the cream of the crop they wouldnt want the bad attitude most of theses yobs have.




I totally disagree with that statement in everyword

How many blokes are signed off???

Why is there a huge recruiting purge on???

and why are units going on ops posting blokes in prior to deployment !!!


you are intitled to your opinion

of course there will allways be a need for more trops people leave all the time because they cant hack it /dont like it

and of course there are the huge numbers of injured people thet cant deploy.

not every unit is currently fully maned a lot of theses numbers are still in training and a lot will probably drop out

all im saying is the millitary can afford to be picky in this current climate.



i am speaking from experince , my friends son is in the process of joining and i have spoken to the head medical officer and recruitment officers (atr pirbright and aldershot) alike and where as a year ago if you scraped by on the fitness test, ice breaker (attitude test ) etc. you would be put through to training.

now if you dont sail through all ellements of selection you will be failed.

on the basis that the army wants the best and can now be picky about who it choses rather than take the people who scrap through.

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Just seems that good old soldiering tactics are not on a very highlist of requirements these days which is obvious by the loss of life and that is what this thread is about.


Your a ex soldier? I doubt it coming out with shit like that. Either way coming out with bollocks like that means you know nothing about the situation out there. The British soldier is at least as proffesional if not more so than they were 10, 15, 25 years ago. What youve just basicaly said is blokes are dead because there shit. Shows how much you know.


Have a bit of f*****g respect for the blokes that have died and keep your mouth shut. c**t.

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Just seems that good old soldiering tactics are not on a very highlist of requirements these days which is obvious by the loss of life and that is what this thread is about.



think you slipped up there al thats not the case atall

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Just seems that good old soldiering tactics are not on a very highlist of requirements these days which is obvious by the loss of life and that is what this thread is about.


Your a ex soldier? I doubt it coming out with shit like that. Either way coming out with bollocks like that means you know nothing about the situation out there. The British soldier is at least as proffesional if not more so than they were 10, 15, 25 years ago. What youve just basicaly said is blokes are dead because there shit. Shows how much you know.


Have a bit of f*****g respect for the blokes that have died and keep your mouth shut. c**t.



Modern day soldiers use different tactics that is all I am saying and if all you can do is name call, well you are yet another gobby member on here. Our Armed Forces are and always have been the best but if the homework hasn't been done before they arrive there, which is so obvious in this case it all starts to go pear shaped with tremendous loss of life.


So until you know what your talking about I'd suggest it is you who needs to keep it zipped and give some positive input :)

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Just seems that good old soldiering tactics are not on a very highlist of requirements these days which is obvious by the loss of life and that is what this thread is about.



think you slipped up there al thats not the case atall



Don't think so Rio, have a look at my reply to the name calling bit. Surely we've been used by the yanks again, get the Brits to do the dirty work so we can revel in the glory.

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ok all you may have a point perhaps im out of touch



its been 30 years since i pointed a rifle at anybody mind you the slr did the job nicely


feckin hell 1988 was my last input of any sorts, so from about the same school me thinks :yes: The thing is tho before any more insults head my way (I don't mean you Rio :laugh: ) tell me where at any point in this thread did I say I was a soldier :blink: :blink: :gunsmilie::drink:

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Modern day soldiers use different tactics that is all I am saying and if all you can do is name call, well you are yet another gobby member on here. Our Armed Forces are and always have been the best but if the homework hasn't been done before they arrive there, which is so obvious in this case it all starts to go pear shaped with tremendous loss of life.


So until you know what your talking about I'd suggest it is you who needs to keep it zipped and give some positive input :)


The Army has been fighting this kind of war since malaya and has almost continualy been engaged in ops like these. We are the foremost army in the world with regard to this kind of fighting be it in the jungles of malaya, the desert of oman or the citys and green countryside of northern ireland. Tactics are continualy changed, revised and reviewed to match the change in insurgent tactics and weaponry in use.


What you said is not that tactics have changed. You implied that if soldiers were using tactics that used to be used, tactics you implied you knew about and were somehow harder to perfom and therefore the modern day soldier was incapable of using, then we wouldnt be seeing the casualties we have seen recently. If you have some TTP's that can defeat the weapons and tactics currently empoyed by the taliban that your fantastic military brain has thought up then you know what im sure you could have a job at the MoD. But i doubt it very much, your all f*****g gob. Knowing personaly one of the soldiers killied in the last week, being at his repatriation and at Wootton Basset, I find the shit your spouting offensive.


Show some respect and shut the f**k up. c**t

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I was around in 1982 and I had no choice then so I do know a bit.


You tried to make people think you were in the forces with this comment.



well Joe like some of my other threads, all is not as it seems :)

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Modern day soldiers use different tactics that is all I am saying and if all you can do is name call, well you are yet another gobby member on here. Our Armed Forces are and always have been the best but if the homework hasn't been done before they arrive there, which is so obvious in this case it all starts to go pear shaped with tremendous loss of life.


So until you know what your talking about I'd suggest it is you who needs to keep it zipped and give some positive input :)


The Army has been fighting this kind of war since malaya and has almost continualy been engaged in ops like these. We are the foremost army in the world with regard to this kind of fighting be it in the jungles of malaya, the desert of oman or the citys and green countryside of northern ireland. Tactics are continualy changed, revised and reviewed to match the change in insurgent tactics and weaponry in use.


What you said is not that tactics have changed. You implied that if soldiers were using tactics that used to be used, tactics you implied you knew about and were somehow harder to perfom and therefore the modern day soldier was incapable of using, then we wouldnt be seeing the casualties we have seen recently. If you have some TTP's that can defeat the weapons and tactics currently empoyed by the taliban that your fantastic military brain has thought up then you know what im sure you could have a job at the MoD. But i doubt it very much, your all f*****g gob. Knowing personaly one of the soldiers killied in the last week, being at his repatriation and at Wootton Basset, I find the shit your spouting offensive.


Show some respect and shut the f**k up. c**t



no fella you show some respect and go away :)

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Modern day soldiers use different tactics that is all I am saying and if all you can do is name call, well you are yet another gobby member on here. Our Armed Forces are and always have been the best but if the homework hasn't been done before they arrive there, which is so obvious in this case it all starts to go pear shaped with tremendous loss of life.


So until you know what your talking about I'd suggest it is you who needs to keep it zipped and give some positive input :)


The Army has been fighting this kind of war since malaya and has almost continualy been engaged in ops like these. We are the foremost army in the world with regard to this kind of fighting be it in the jungles of malaya, the desert of oman or the citys and green countryside of northern ireland. Tactics are continualy changed, revised and reviewed to match the change in insurgent tactics and weaponry in use.


What you said is not that tactics have changed. You implied that if soldiers were using tactics that used to be used, tactics you implied you knew about and were somehow harder to perfom and therefore the modern day soldier was incapable of using, then we wouldnt be seeing the casualties we have seen recently. If you have some TTP's that can defeat the weapons and tactics currently empoyed by the taliban that your fantastic military brain has thought up then you know what im sure you could have a job at the MoD. But i doubt it very much, your all f*****g gob. Knowing personaly one of the soldiers killied in the last week, being at his repatriation and at Wootton Basset, I find the shit your spouting offensive.


Show some respect and shut the f**k up. c**t



why oh why do some members on here have to name call and slag others is just beyond me and with that in mind I will contribute no further to the thread. Thanks to all who gave sensible replies.

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Our Armed Forces are and always have been the best but if the homework hasn't been done before they arrive there, which is so obvious in this case it all starts to go pear shaped with tremendous loss of life.


AL the modern soldier gets extensive pre deployment training which starts 6 months before their deployment they couldnt be any better trained fitness wise or tacticly .... as i said earlyer you can be the best soldier in the world but that wont stop you getting blown up by an ied thats buried 12 inches under the ground and is remoted by an infa red beam .... when it comes to a fire fight and taking ground very few of our soldiers are injured let alone killed testiment i think to how well tacticly trained they actually are ........

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come on lads lets all get along aye lets stop the bitching and slagging off. i have respect for peopele in the armed forces i have 2 mates that just come back from afganistan ones in a tank reg the other is a navy marksman. both have lost friends and colliges out there. and its one of those thing wrong place at the wrong time and being as the taliban are sneeky and fight from the hills and lay mines every ware they have one up on our troops. and most our troops are getting killed on patroles being blown up by boobi trap bombs and suiside bombers but at the end of the day they new what they were signing up for and new there was a risk of being killed or injured. and the americans are still saying hello with friendly fire they are as much a risk as the taliban. is good how big USA needs little UK to back them up tho.

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