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not quite lamping

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magwitch kindly asked me to a few hours out shooting, we hit the orchards just after 7pm, a little earlier than normal, but he had some overtime at work for sat morning, so could'ent be too late, the first orchard has had half the tree's removed and some sort of rape planted, its weird but both tonight and the last time we shot this area, upon driving in, about 40 rabbits made a dash from the tree's (where their warrens are) and into the rape field, next time Im definatly going to take a 100yd longnet and try get those one's on their way back.

anyway, got a total of 20, all goes in the freezer :yes:




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Nice bag but it looks like youv'e gutted them with a chainsaw.


:clapper: quite a few have commented on the gutting style in the past, when numbers of rabbits are being done, its a very quick and efficent way, and as looks dont worry the ferts, it gets my thumbs up :thumbs:



stand on front paws, pull chest fur tight, nick with knife, insert finger into hole and pull downwards, sorted, everything is then ready to drop out, if you have large numbers to gut, two of you can go like the clappers, one doing the cut and pull, the other doing the fling and stomach...

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Nice bag but it looks like youv'e gutted them with a chainsaw.


:clapper: quite a few have commented on the gutting style in the past, when numbers of rabbits are being done, its a very quick and efficent way, and as looks dont worry the ferts, it gets my thumbs up :thumbs:



stand on front paws, pull chest fur tight, nick with knife, insert finger into hole and pull downwards, sorted, everything is then ready to drop out, if you have large numbers to gut, two of you can go like the clappers, one doing the cut and pull, the other doing the fling and stomach...


hey stubby...not sure i fully follow the gutting procedure you use.


can you take some pics and upload them for me? i only use the rabbits for my ferrets and gutting them is a pain in the arse.

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