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Bit of an odd one but does anyone on here keep Betta fish? (siamese fighter fish)

Iv been keeping for years and breeding and the such and Iv seen that people on here keep allsorts of pets animals etc. and wondered if anyone here had kept any?

Im uploading a few pics of mine to stick up if anyones interested? lol




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  JordKil said:
Bit of an odd one but does anyone on here keep Betta fish? (siamese fighter fish)

Iv been keeping for years and breeding and the such and Iv seen that people on here keep allsorts of pets animals etc. and wondered if anyone here had kept any?

Im uploading a few pics of mine to stick up if anyones interested? lol




i'm interested mate, let's see ya fighting fish then :D

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Like most other things mate todays siamese fighters are a long way from what they used to be,although they are kept seperated in jars in shops you shouldnt have a problem keeping more than 1 in a community tank.Had the odd one myself in the past only the little tiger barbs nip at their fins !

More into discus these days myself f*****g expensive though !!

Show us a pic of your beta,s then mate fine looking fish alright.

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  gnasher16 said:
Like most other things mate todays siamese fighters are a long way from what they used to be,although they are kept seperated in jars in shops you shouldnt have a problem keeping more than 1 in a community tank.Had the odd one myself in the past only the little tiger barbs nip at their fins !

More into discus these days myself f*****g expensive though !!

Show us a pic of your beta,s then mate fine looking fish alright.



don't you just love the tiger barbs, i had about a doz, but they were feckers, good to watch though, sorry no fighters for me though, to confined

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i keep neon tetras and pearl danios have had fighters before nice looking fish also i used to have chiclids like convicts and blue malawi chiclids but they can grow to 12 inches long a bit big for my three foot tank go on then show us your fighting fish

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  dawnraider09 said:
used to keep fighters they dont last verylong though,like gnasher im into discus now



handsom fish dawnraider.have you been to chens discus in harrow he has probably the best collection in the country ive had quite a few from him over the years i go for the penang eruption myself,hell of a fish.

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Yes i used to keep them,and the first time i bred them it was amazing to see[the bubble nest and the tiny fry] the male looks after the eggs and fry and any that fall out of the nest he lifts them and puts them back in.

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Is pretty cool when the male watches the fry. I keep all of my males in seperate jars and females in community tank.


Heres a few pics not great but theres more in the camera (if i can find it) The red one is you typical pet shop shite and died within the week while the rest were bought from an old friend that has some of my 'line' from years ago.


Red Veil (petshop)



Red Crowntail (wasnt well in pic as was stressed from travelling)


Sapphire blue/green Crowntail


Short veil White and blue (my own line from a fighting male I used to have...hes a shit fighter though lol)


And a big massive veil from a specialist hes nice




Also there is gravel in the pics but I took it out now lol





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  gnasher16 said:
  dawnraider09 said:
used to keep fighters they dont last verylong though,like gnasher im into discus now



handsom fish dawnraider.have you been to chens discus in harrow he has probably the best collection in the country ive had quite a few from him over the years i go for the penang eruption myself,hell of a fish.

cheers gnasher,never been to chens most of my stuff came from devotedly discus in polegate i had a few from maidenhead aquatics not the shop stuff though one of the lads was breeding in his garage with some stunning cobolts and alenquer reds.i like my pigeon bloods to.




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  dawnraider09 said:
cheers gnasher,never been to chens most of my stuff came from devotedly discus in polegate i had a few from maidenhead aquatics not the shop stuff though one of the lads was breeding in his garage with some stunning cobolts and alenquer reds.i like my pigeon bloods to.


I think most will agree chens is the best in the country,i gave him a lot of money for a breeding pair of penangs last year,i also like the pigeon bases have a few checkerboard pigeons......dont know how local you are but your most welcome to raise a few penangs if you wish.nice pictures anyway,thanks :thumbs:

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