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intraduceing a new jill

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  Saluki Knight said:
One of my two jills has passed on today, and so i shall be getting another. My question is, would it be ok to just put a young one straight in with the other, or do they have to be seporated for a while?
the same happened to me a few months ago so i bought another kit put it in with my jill but unfortunately it didnt take to it i have looked up ways in which i can bring them both together and i have found that introducing them to each other slowly worked best but i guess it all just depends on your jill i think some mother the kits and some dont take to them i hope this helps atb pork chop :thumbs::thumbs:
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Well, i got 2 new jills and locked my adualt jill in the hutch inside the court, and let the new 2 have the carry box as a bed box inside the court, I went to get adualt one out to take her for a jab, and found her cuddled up to the young two, so alls well that ends well, but how the hell did she get that hutch open, i dont know. :D

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  Saluki Knight said:
Well, i got 2 new jills and locked my adualt jill in the hutch inside the court, and let the new 2 have the carry box as a bed box inside the court, I went to get adualt one out to take her for a jab, and found her cuddled up to the young two, so alls well that ends well, but how the hell did she get that hutch open, i dont know. :D
happy days :thumbs:
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Hopefully they will mother it and get on like a house on fire but if they dont try letting them see /smell each other threw the wire till they accept each other

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well mate i done it 2 weeks ago and theve not had a fight yet. one of my jills is 1 year and the other is 4. the one at 1 year is mothering my kit hob and the other just lets

him do what he wants there great together. my advice is put them together during the day and watch them for a bit and then you will no how they are going to be. also

if the drag it by the scruff of the neck dont worry about it shes mothering it. hope this helps.

cheers sean

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I have struggled with getting kits this year.

I was after 5 but the missus argued it down to three.

We were let down by a few people and then thought we ahad three sussed but it didnt work out.

We got two a couple of weeks ago and get another two tommorow, so Im just hoping they get on okay.



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