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Berretta A303 or Webley&Scott 812b

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  sully5328 said:
Hi all, i currently have a berretta a303 which i can hit things with(occasionally) but got the chance of a trade in for a brand new W&S 812b. TO change or not to change that is the question. I would appreciate your views. :blink:



Why...and DON'T!!

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  sully5328 said:
Hi all, i currently have a berretta a303 which i can hit things with(occasionally) but got the chance of a trade in for a brand new W&S 812b. TO change or not to change that is the question. I would appreciate your views. :blink:

I take it the Beretta is a shotgun not a .303" calibre rifle ? . . . . .


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  RicW said:
  sully5328 said:
Hi all, i currently have a berretta a303 which i can hit things with(occasionally) but got the chance of a trade in for a brand new W&S 812b. TO change or not to change that is the question. I would appreciate your views. :blink:

I take it the Beretta is a shotgun not a .303" calibre rifle ? . . . . .



Model number 303, its a semi auto shotgun..or if you prefer the politically correct current title...a self loading shotgun!! :thumbs:

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  sully5328 said:
I don't know much about shotguns, and a lot of what I do know I learned on this forum, but one thing I have noticed is that fit is very important. If the Beretta feels uncomfortable and the Webley swings like an extension of your arm you will shoot better with the Webley. (Now all the guys who do know what they are on about will queue up to tell me I'm wrong! :unsure: )


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Thanks for your replies i have decided to keep the a303 just whacked some bunnies with it and my local clay range are happy for me to use it there. done sum digging on the webley, comments aint to good for them. once again thanks.

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