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Dog thieves about in West Wales.

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Went fishing with a few lads I hadn't seen for a while last night, turns out one of the local lurcher boys caught an Irish tinker trying to relieve him of one of his dogs a few nights back. I'll say no more, but he didn't get away with it... ;)


Just a heads up as a bit of warning.

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they were up here a while back and caught them trying to call our Lily :gunsmilie: they were in a white Ford tranny pick up type thing, don't think they were travelling folk though. I've never had a problem with them :thumbs:

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Guest rodsmith
they were up here a while back and caught them trying to call our Lily :gunsmilie: they were in a white Ford tranny pick up type thing, don't think they were travelling folk though. I've never had a problem with them :thumbs:





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nice to see the ar*ehole got caught, feel sorry for the boys who tried nicking my mates dogs if they gget caught!!! did they have the dogs then?


No mate, they had something, but it wasn't the dogs they tried stealing.... ;)


they were up here a while back and caught them trying to call our Lily :gunsmilie: they were in a white Ford tranny pick up type thing, don't think they were travelling folk though. I've never had a problem with them :thumbs:

No, I don't think that this fella was what I'd call a traveller either. :no: There's a good sized travelling community round here, never have trouble with them. :thumbs:

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Guest GoneToGround1
nice to see the ar*ehole got caught, feel sorry for the boys who tried nicking my mates dogs if they gget caught!!! did they have the dogs then?


No mate, they had something, but it wasn't the dogs they tried stealing.... ;)


they were up here a while back and caught them trying to call our Lily :gunsmilie: they were in a white Ford tranny pick up type thing, don't think they were travelling folk though. I've never had a problem with them :thumbs:

No, I don't think that this fella was what I'd call a traveller either. :no: There's a good sized travelling community round here, never have trouble with them. :thumbs:


this white tranny, by any chance do it have big chunky bull bars on the front? pickup one? seen it around a few times with a few dodgies in it....south wales though.

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they were up here a while back and caught them trying to call our Lily :gunsmilie: they were in a white Ford tranny pick up type thing, don't think they were travelling folk though. I've never had a problem with them :thumbs:







more than welcome at our gaff anytime :laugh: , just ask some of the locals who won't come up our drive :whistling:

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nice to see the ar*ehole got caught, feel sorry for the boys who tried nicking my mates dogs if they gget caught!!! did they have the dogs then?


No mate, they had something, but it wasn't the dogs they tried stealing.... ;)


they were up here a while back and caught them trying to call our Lily :gunsmilie: they were in a white Ford tranny pick up type thing, don't think they were travelling folk though. I've never had a problem with them :thumbs:

No, I don't think that this fella was what I'd call a traveller either. :no: There's a good sized travelling community round here, never have trouble with them. :thumbs:


this white tranny, by any chance do it have big chunky bull bars on the front? pickup one? seen it around a few times with a few dodgies in it....south wales though.



well I recognised the accent and SW was the first thing that sprang to mind :)

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its funny this post should come up. i was getting my baby off for a nap and my dog bow collie grey/whippet was barking like hell down stairs, not like him at all he is like a mouse and timmid as hell. when i let him out the back i found two traveller looking folks eying up my mates 500quid trailor which was about to get hitched up!!! they are cheeky gits when i said what the feck you doin they asked was my wheel barrow for scrap


well all i could say was :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:

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