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teacher has flipped

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Guest oldskool

certainly the kid didnt deserve what he got and maybe the teacher should have been recessed before he came back to work... but corporal punishment should certainly be brought back, thats just my thoughts.... there is all sorts of nightmare stories or should i say facts about teachers abusing that power and i'm sorry to say with my own experiences some of them did... but if that was governed correctly you can bet your ass we wouldnt be dealing with 10 and 11 year old hoodies telling us to feck off and mouthing off at passers by...


i dont know if you agree lurcherlass and i'm glad to hear you bring your own up with manors in mind but i think we are heading to a stage where well mannored kids and parents that even try are becoming a minority... when i left school smacking had come to an end and within a couple of years i noticed a big difference in kids attitudes

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I'm very surprised at the way this thread has gone, because the usual way is to 'blame the teacher'


And there's some good points made about teaching your children respect. Sadly lost on a sizeable minority of parents nowadays.


I still believe that the majority of kids at school are at least willing to go along with the school, rather than fight it. But for every stirrer in a class, there'll be a 'fan club' of kids who won't incite trouble but will join in if they get the chance.


My technique was to pick out the roughest kid in the class, and give them hell if they stepped a millimetre out of line. It worked until about 5 years ago, but since then.....the lunatics are taking over I think. Glad I'm out of it.


But I taught for a long time in a pretty rough school, and I have a volcanic temper. Never once hit a kid, or even contemplated it for more than a nanosecond. So this guy must have been pushed too far. I suspect his Departmental Head has some explaining to do......

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The first 10 years I taught you were allowed to cane ---the fact was you hardly used the cane but it was a deterrent to unruly behaviour. The cane was taken away and not replaced --pupil behaviour has got worse and worse and you must try and imagine the hell this man had to face day in day out being taunted by these little horrors. Whilst not condoning his action I can understand it. It is very difficult to control your actions ---some people on here would be going into the classroom with their dogs and guns if they were in teaching.

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Whatever the rights and wrongs, the teacher must have been wound up to breaking point......


Cheeky little fuckers ...the kids will have been trying their best to aggravate things i should bet..



just look at the way society is now, you cant walk the streets at night without bein worried about getting stabbed by a 15 year old trying to be a gangster!!


when my old man was a kid there was 1 copper who if he ever saw them doin wrong would get hold of them and take them home where their parents would give them a leathering. them days u could leave the front doors open.


my mrs was teaching in a primary school where 8 9 and 10 year old kids were telling her they'r rights!!! some would hit out at her and she wasn aloud to even hold them to stop them because they got rights!!!!! would u have seen that 20 years ago?????


The news said he was a well known and well liked teacher around the school, i bet my life on it this kid pushed and pushed knowin the teacher cant do a thing.



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at the end of the day a 50 yr old man in a position of responsibility and trust gave a 14 yr old boy in his care "serious head injuries". i know what kids can be like but that gives him NO excuse to do what he did.if he "flipped" or "lost it" then he's (was!) obviously in the wrong job. any of you that say the lad would have deserved it etc would be saying different if it was your lad who had been put in hospital by the adult who's care he was in at the time! ;)


i know my lad wouldn be so disrespectfull to a teacher or anyone else in that case to make him flip. i know what you mean but surely if the parents had done a proper job on bringing up their child to be respectfull to people the child or teacher wouldn be in that position??????

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