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teacher has flipped

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But please lets not hang the guy or the kid(s) until we have all the facts.

:laugh: You OBVIOUSLY havent been on this site for very long!



I suppose there is always a first time for everything :laugh:



just trying to be optomistic in the idea that rational thought and debate still exists...........Aw fek it hang the lot!






Ning the executioner

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I'm from near there originally.

A friend from there told me today the lad said to the teacher "f**ck off and go and have another stroke"


2 things . firstly the foul mouthed little cretin..secondly, stroke victims dishing out beatings? :o

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at the end of the day a 50 yr old man in a position of responsibility and trust gave a 14 yr old boy in his care "serious head injuries". i know what kids can be like but that gives him NO excuse to do what he did.if he "flipped" or "lost it" then he's (was!) obviously in the wrong job. any of you that say the lad would have deserved it etc would be saying different if it was your lad who had been put in hospital by the adult who's care he was in at the time! ;)

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I've been teaching for fourteen years and in that time have seen unacceptable behaviour gradually becoming even worse and I work in Primary rather than Secondary education. Last year I was held by the arm and hit in the chest by one child and pushed against the wall by another...all that happened to them was a glass of water in the (Dick)Head's Office while they calmed down and had a little chat. :o They weren't even excluded for the rest of the day, let alone permanently.


I've known children as young as four to verbally and physically abuse staff. The thing which annoys me about it the most is the rest of the class who are desperate for an education which is being ruined by a weak-willed, cocky, unruly minority. :angry:

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Guest Bubbleduck
I've been teaching for fourteen years and in that time have seen unacceptable behaviour gradually becoming even worse and I work in Primary rather than Secondary education. Last year I was held by the arm and hit in the chest by one child and pushed against the wall by another...all that happened to them was a glass of water in the (Dick)Head's Office while they calmed down and had a little chat. :o They weren't even excluded for the rest of the day, let alone permanently.


I've known children as young as four to verbally and physically abuse staff. The thing which annoys me about it the most is the rest of the class who are desperate for an education which is being ruined by a weak-willed, cocky, unruly minority. :angry:


The nasty little b*****ds know they will get away with anything, they need a real good hammering no matter what all the do-gooders think.

That ridiculous anti smacking law and the senile idiots who thought it up should be thrown out.

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Dont be surprised if this happens again in the next few years time...... It'll be me!


Me and my mate have just decided to apply to do our PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) and got the interview on tuesday, and yeh, it'll be for science (physics). Mostly doing it because it will be a good qualification to have to fall back on but im probably going to go into teaching for a few years straight after just to get a bit of experience and money etc.


Just gotta bite my tongue, keep my kool, and try to ignore the thoughts of shooting the little b*****ds!

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I guess a day like this has been on the cards for a while now.


Without having to second guess what happened it is a sad show when a teacher cannot discipline students who exhibit unruly behaviour, which has a detrimental effect on the education of all in the class.


Aye, but according to this morning's paper there was a bit more to it than that! Apparently for whatever reason an argument started, so the teacher apparently picked up a metal weight and caved the lad's head in. He's on the critical list, and two other kids who apparently sprung to the lad's defence also got smacked with the metal weight for their troubles, but are basically unhurt. :icon_eek:


Now, I'm sure there's more detail to come to light, but you have to admit that the fact a boy is in hospital at death's door, albeit stabilising, and the 50 year old teacher who caved his head in with a heavy lump of metal is under arrest for attempted murder, is a bit more than discipline! :blink:

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It amazes me anyone can defend this teacher......if someone opened up your lads nut on the street you would go round and smash f**k out of him.....but in a classroom its different ? horrible bullying c**t if he,d done that to my lad or anyones i know he,d never have done it a second time....wanker !

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Guest oldskool

read the story in the paper yesterday... it read that he was under a great deal of strain and had a stroke as a result... on his return to work he was heard muttering and talking to himself round the corridors... at the time when he lost control a class of 30 14 year olds were chanting a ryhm about him being a physco and refused to stop... the paper read he just flipped! he said, "people are goin to die today" and lifted the ring leader and went to drag him to the store room where he lifted a 2kg weight and bashed him over the head with it... his mates ran to his rescue and also recieved injuries... frightened kids fled the classroom screaming...


past pupils of the school said he was a very talented teacher who was liked by fellow teachers and pupils... it was totally out of character for him to react in the fashion he did...



and here is my opinion on it... you have no idea the liitle b*****ds that are in schools today, fair enough the above incident was to the extreme but a good clippin from his parents and teachers would have done the wee c**t no harm... i got a call from work to take a tank lorry to a blocked manhole in carpark in carnlough outside ballymoney/broughshane direction... carnlough is a lovely wee village beside the sea, i heard that it was quite dated and old fashioned and was lookin forward to seeing it, work continued into the night (about 1am)... anyway, wee feckers not more than 12 were running around shouting and chanting at me and to be honest i was shitting myself not knowing what way am i supposed to handle these wee bastardo's?? it was'nt long before they were firing stones off the cab... eventually they pissed off only for a crowd of bigger wankers to take theyre place.. those were different, i felt alot more in control of those c**ts because when push came to shove one of them would be found floated upside in the manhole :big_boss: ... i dont understand the language they speak either!! whats a sham???



and thats just the type of society we are in today... there is no discipline, no rules, no reinforcement to help adults deal with tearaways... instead its all this physcological bullshit like you see on that 'super nanny' show... when a plain and simple clip round the lug hole would have instant results... and all this bullshit about the poor kids having nothing to do so we need more youth clubs etc etc to get them off the streets... what a load of balls, when i was a cub if there was nothing to do i was sent to cut sticks for the fire or give the neighbours a hand... i wasnt allowed to hang around the shops pesturing passers by to 12 midnight, my bedtime was when the equiliser or miami vice was over lol.......


bring back smacking, at the very least anyway!!!




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and thats just the type of society we are in today... there is no discipline, no rules, no reinforcement to help adults deal with tearaways... instead its all this physcological bullshit like you see on that 'super nanny' show... when a plain and simple clip round the lug hole would have instant results... and all this bullshit about the poor kids having nothing to do so we need more youth clubs etc etc to get them off the streets... what a load of balls, when i was a cub if there was nothing to do i was sent to cut sticks for the fire or give the neighbours a hand... i wasnt allowed to hang around the shops pesturing passers by to 12 midnight, my bedtime was when the equiliser or miami vice was over lol.......


bring back smacking, at the very least anyway!!!




spot on,how many of us have to run the gauntlet of the local hoodies on the way to the local shops ? maybee an open season on the little feckers ey ??? :thumbs:

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Guest Rod&dog

Remember my school days,, There was one or two teachers that got a bit pissy and niggy and to storm out of the classroom and never return to teach at school agian ;) ,,


I agree that we where probbally little shites at school, Beacause i know i was no angel :laugh: But i always thought to myself,, if they could not hack the school and teaching life with little shites of pupils then they should not teach or find a quiet school full of quiet good respectable students which i think would be very very hard to find these days. I think the bloke went a bit OTT when he nearly killed a student or two, i think thats completly out of order and the bloke should of never thought about the teaching carreer if he had a extremly easy to annoy temper.


Just my say ;)

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It does all boil down to lack of discipline ,there is no manners or courtesy anymore .When I was school age a few years ago, I was caught misbehaving and the blackboard rubber was thrown at me ,didnt dare tell my parents what had happened because I would have been clobbered again from them for not behaving.I hope ive brought my 2 kids up to remember to be polite and always use their manners .I'm not saying the teacher was right in battering the lad but god knows what they was up to to drive him to do it in the first place,the teachers of today must have patience of a saint to try and teach the kids ,The teacher involved was charged last night with attempted murder and the lad is still crirical such a shame whats happened

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Guest oldskool

i was at an age when corperal punishment was comin to an end... i remember getting beatin with a ruler across the back of the knuckles for being a slow learner!!! every day was a nightmare for me and that way of teaching should never have been allowed because, in my opinion, if anything i was even more of slow learner, i was too terrified to concentrate ... but for being an ill mannored brat, its totally justified!! the only problem is that the useless lay-abouts that call themselves parents wont back the teachers up... maybe they would if the same rule that holds parents responsible for a child playing truant was applied when the child was misbehaving at school??? are they are already doing that??


discipline always starts at home, instead of fecking them off to school leaving the job to some poor unfortunate teacher to handle!!!

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I think smashing a kids' head in like that is way OTT. That being said ... should this man have been back at work so soon after his stroke, if he'd been seen muttering in the hallways? It may well be a case of him not being all there to start off with. Maybe he started back at work and left a few of his sandwiches out of the picnic, so to speak.


And if you ask me, the kids who were chanting and carrying on should, in some way, be held accountable for sparking the whole thing off. Silly little twats. If one of my kids was ever behaving that way, being disrespectful and such, they'd feel my wrath I can assure you. Not all kids these days are being raised with no morals or respect.


I'm not a huge believer in corporal punishment, but in some cases I think it's called for. If it were to turn out that this happened because of the man's mental state, couple with being pushed too far by those kids ... are they not just as responsible for what happened as he is?

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