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Bought my daughter a pet rabbit for her birthday!

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i used to have a pet rabbit a caught wild one from my grandad had him for 2 years untill my grandad said smokeys ran away i was crying then i ate a pie what was made (i ate anything) 3 years later my grandad told me he killed it and i ate it.. i sobed!

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AH u got me :clapper: lol. How do u think a feel when a take her to the vets in a pink cat carryer and the call out PRINCESS. :icon_redface:



it aint the colour of the carry case its if you carry it with it over yer wrist and the other hand on yer hip like a tea pot. :good:

also the tight jeans and girly walk to match :D



But whatever you do don't turn your head if someone shouts "Bruno"..

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