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Showing Ferrets

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I am thinking of having a go at showing my ferrets and racing them to see how i do eh. does anybody on hrer show their ferrets during the summer because i would like to know how they are judged and what they are judged on. i have 2 ferrets 1 polecat and 1 albino what do you think of my chances of getting myself a rosette for these two :clapper:


polecat class






Albino Class






There are some of you who will laugh at the idea but i think it will be something interestin to do for them and me during the summer



Edited by RaiderBoy
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The first two will go in the coloured classes & the last one the albino class , they will look at eyes teeth , ears coat & overal appearence & how the animal moves basically

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Hi mate,

My kids show mine during the summer as Kay said they check to make sure the ears are clean, general condition of the coat and skin and they like them to have their claws clipped.As well they like them to be calm when handled.

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i show mine at some of the lurcher and terrier shows as long as you dont take it to seriously mate its a bit of fun.ive won champion at blanchland for the last 2 years with my jill and champion with my hob at the braes of derwent show this year,its like anything else the judge will like whatever he likes and that'll win, just the same as showing the dogs.give it a go,the cracks good,nice looking ferrets by the way ;)

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  runforyourlife said:
And its all a fix, they all know each other, and the different ferret clubs, they dont like outsiders, and the same ferrets win at all the different shows... Let us know if you find it to be different



Well I think you need to come to one of my shows.


Yes you do see a lot of the same faces at the shows but we always welcome new faces, we have a lot of fun, are willing to give advice and guidance on keeping and showing ferrets and at the end of the day if everyone has enjoyed theirselves its all been worth it. I try to have different judges for the main classes but every ferret get a good going over. The judges will tell you they have no friends when in the ring its the ferret thats being judges not the owner.



Ferrets are judged on Clear eyes, Clean ears(but not "polished with Q tips), condition of coat, nails not to short or long, condition of teeth ie no broken ones, overall appearance, alertness, I myself look at length of whiskers.


The ferret may be owned by someone the judge is not too keen on but if its the best ferret in the show it will win.



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cheers for the advice i will try not to take it to heart, the reason i asked this is every year they have like a game fair sort of thing in aberdare country park and this year i would like to enter them in it i will put some decent pictures up in a minuit and if you would be so kind to tell me if i have a chance or not to bother. cheers



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Picture 2




for the life of me i couldent get the albino to look at the camera first she was looking at the dog and i havent a clue what she was looking at the second time



Edited by RaiderBoy
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Guest rocky4

just take it as a bit of fun yes ther e are people who do take it seriosly to the out sider it does look a bit clicky ive judged a lot of ferret shows were some ones turned up with one or two ferrets and won i prefare to ring judge every one can see what you are doing give it a go you never know good luck

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