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i spelled it the way "royston vasey" says it

and anyway i have looked all over for one and never found or seen one ..................im not sure they exist..... :D

anyway im not hanging round the search continues :)

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I give up :wacko: Its just as well you lot are hunters and not gigolo's.

The G spot has nothing to do with the clitoris <_<:hunter:

No wonder there are more and more lesbians :rolleyes:


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  oldskool said:
nearly the same thing happened me cragman. went out for a mooch about with the rifle and was sitting in a high hedge looking over a few bunnies. i was in a day dream and wanted to watch them hop about before i picked one off for the pot. a lovely big dog fox came dandering along the hedge behind me and was mooching about himself. i couldnt shoot, it was more interesting to watch him go through his routine.


Both you and cragman-respect .Mark of maturity [for some .]

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  Chief said:
labia majora

I am impressed, i wonder how many blokes have typed that into google to find out what it means :laugh::laugh::laugh:


You seen many then Moll'? , saw that you mentioned lesbians and all

Quite a few.....comes with the job. Although where i am now its all men. Cant quite make my mind up which is worse :unsure:


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  Chief said:
That's 4 then craggy !! :guitar: .




Mine is shooting hares.....

I don't know how many I shot during my youth , actually I don't want to remember :( .

But not anymore . There is something rather magical about her as has been said through the centuries. Must be something to do with those eyes I think :yes: . Don't get me wrong , if I was a lurcherman I would have no quams seeing a dog behind one as I think that's one of only two sporting ways you should hunt her along with a pack of beagles or harriers if it was all still legal of course . But I see it as such a waste of a magnificent , athletic animal to pump it with lead .

totally agree :good::good:

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