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more sightings nr whitecroft and beechnhurst lodge dogs attacked collie badly injured.2 sows with litters defending.in local papers.there in woods nr me but not the woods in my village wont be long.might have to take rottie with me as backup. :11: .the bull terrier x mastiff has only made 20". :realmad: .

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Bull terrier x mastiff? why not just get a bullmastiff! :blink:

Not being mean but the more people and livestock that get attacked the quicker the government has to do something about it! as long as they don't try to exterminate them, then we should be in for some sport :good: The big question is "Will they have a closed season?" as it's the sows with young that will do most of the attacks, will they want them hit hard or just problem pigs removed?

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the dog is a ebt x mastif,i brought to grow up alongside our 2 youngest kids.it was to take over as a guard dog from the rotty ,when it was older,but the pup has thrown towards the bull terrier bitch. :11: the pup from last litter bred by the owner were as big as our rotty.if i was going after boar intentionlly, i would use dogs from adtrader,or free to good home,that were of guarding/working breeds.as its pointless paying £300+ on dogs that are going to get killed.i know that some aussie /kiwi hunters go to pound and get pitts e.t.c as they are the ones likelly to get killed first.any way its not relevant as its illegal to hunt them with dogs isnt it. :whistle:oh the dog is the one under my name.

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  forest of dean redneck said:
i was going after boar intentionlly, i would use dogs from adtrader,or free to good home,that were of guarding/working breeds.as its pointless paying £300+ on dogs that are going to get killed.i know that some aussie /kiwi hunters go to pound and get pitts e.t.c as they are the ones likelly to get killed first.



You could always get a dog from stock that's good at the job ;) People like Pigchaser and Oldboar have some excellent dogs and many that have retired at a grand old age after a lifetime chasing the boars.


Obviously there's no point over here

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  forest of dean redneck said:
the dog is a ebt x mastif,i brought to grow up alongside our 2 youngest kids.it was to take over as a guard dog from the rotty ,when it was older,but the pup has thrown towards the bull terrier bitch. :11: the pup from last litter bred by the owner were as big as our rotty.if i was going after boar intentionlly, i would use dogs from adtrader,or free to good home,that were of guarding/working breeds.as its pointless paying £300+ on dogs that are going to get killed.i know that some aussie /kiwi hunters go to pound and get pitts e.t.c as they are the ones likelly to get killed first.any way its not relevant as its illegal to hunt them with dogs isnt it. :whistle:oh the dog is the one under my name.

:icon_eek::no::no::no: getting a rotty/bully ore the like thats spent its life in a yard barking at strangers.probably never even got its teeth into a bunny....then you want to stick it on a boar with tusks like steak knives.certen to dye....but it dosent matter because it was free :(:(

its a good job the terrier boys dont think like that as every homless pet jrt would end up meeting its maker down a hole thought to deep for there trained patts

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.i know that some aussie /kiwi hunters go to pound and get pitts e.t.c as they are the ones likelly to get killed first.

Not any of the kiwi hunters that I know.

Many of you seem to think dogs getting killed to just the "norm" when we go hunting. :wacko:

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i think i may have worded this wrong.i was having a laugh about the rotty as back up.the ebt x was never brought as a pig dog it was to be a guard dog to stop theiving smack heads stealing my boys toys.if its on a chain it wont do a lot of good would it.and i have seen both on nz /aussie sites people going to pounds for pittys or hard holding meatheads.and i know that dogs dont get killed each hunt .but you got to admit that dogs that dont wear vests do run big risks.you wouldnt want to spend big money .

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yeah i agree dude, serious injury and death is always part of pighunting but most hunters only get one or two dogs killed in a lifetime of pighunting. the glory side that alot of guys on the net take as fact is of more concern, a pigdog does not have to be 3/4 pit with the heart of a lion to catch pigs/boar. using holding type dogs in the uk with it's current anti hunting stance will only make the papers the same way as a busted dogfighting ring. rifles and bailing type dogs is the only way to go for you guys.



the days of running straight holding dogs in nz has been and gone for alot of hunters here, most dogs are multi taskers, finder/holder or find/bail/hold, or alot of guys are using finder bailers. yeah the pounds a great place to pick up a spare dog, but not as a source of meat to chuck at a boar as alot of people will have ya think :11: vests and collars are only just starting to be used ova here in large numbers, i only put a collar on my boxer cause she is too nuts.

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