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im a beginner in need of a little help


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hi ive never kept any birds of prey before but i always fancied it.i was hoping somebody knew of somewere in the north east of england that runs falconry courses as i dont want to jump in with both feet

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Hi mate,


I don't know where abouts in the NE you are but i did a falconry course near Thirsk , N. Yorks (www.falconrycentre.co.uk) they also arranged a hunting day which went down really well. It may sound backwards, but the course made me realise that now wasn't the time for me to get my own bird. but still had a great time and learnt a lot!


Good luck with the course!

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  beagle974 said:
Hi mate,


I don't know where abouts in the NE you are but i did a falconry course near Thirsk , N. Yorks (www.falconrycentre.co.uk) they also arranged a hunting day which went down really well. It may sound backwards, but the course made me realise that now wasn't the time for me to get my own bird. but still had a great time and learnt a lot!


Good luck with the course!


im near sunderland, i'll check it out aswell


Edited by barrybrown26
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  barrybrown26 said:
  beagle974 said:
Hi mate,


I don't know where abouts in the NE you are but i did a falconry course near Thirsk , N. Yorks (www.falconrycentre.co.uk) they also arranged a hunting day which went down really well. It may sound backwards, but the course made me realise that now wasn't the time for me to get my own bird. but still had a great time and learnt a lot!


Good luck with the course!


im near sunderland, i'll check it out aswell



i booked the coarse in thirsk its an hour away but it'll be worth it i hope.if all goes well im thinking maybe get a bird next year if i think i can cope that is

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the course was great.seen lots of birds, hawks owls vultures and went out for a walk with the harris hawk they have there.they also taught me how to tie the falconers knot which i think i need alotta practice with.but i didnt learn much more than that.i still couldnt go out and get a hawk and look after it properly.so that course for although fun was a bit of a waste

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