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Harris or Rockmount bipods

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Hello fellow shooters,

just a couple of questions if i could,


1..does any of you use either one these bipods,2..what do you think of them.3...which one would you go for if you had a choice,



i have just been browsing the web at the different gun shops in the UK and the prices of the harris bipods compared to the rockmount bipods are unbelieveable,the rockmount bipods are nearly half the price of the harris bipods,and they look the same but do the do the same job.

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Rockmount are fine,,,I use these and the Harris type and find no difference in performance and the quality issue is a non-starter on a gun prop. It either works or it doesn't. One thing though,,,,,if you get the spring retracting one,,,take it to pieces and remove the springs. They really serve no usefull purpose,,and make a hell of a racket every time you move or touch the damn thing.

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thanks for your reply Velocette,

just looking at the two their is not much difference in the two apart from the screws that put it together,and the price of a harris of 100 pounds compared to 40 pounds to the rockmount.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Harris are without doubt better made and finished, consider also the Deben range, etc.


Bottom line is if you look after it the Rockmount will probably serve you well.


Check out Harris prices at




If you can run to it I strongly suggest Harris....taking springs out etc is a personal thing, don't rush into anything, work it out for yourself.


I have 2 different size Harris, one the legs spring out, and the other the legs spring closed, I don't have an issue with either, it is easy to open/close either quietly :thumbs:

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well i have made a few phone calls to the gunshops around Ireland and the price

of the harris bipod are all around 170 euro each,i looked at a place on the web

called Cabeles and with the rate of the euro on the pound it will cost me

94 euro to have it sent here to Ireland within 7 days,thats 79 sterling,i rang gunshop

in Bolton called Target Sports and they were selling a harris bipod for 85 pounds so when

i went to order it they had sold it,but they said they could order me one but it would cost me

another 25 pounds,making it 110 pounds in total, for that one they were selling was a one off,so i ordered one from the american

site and i have tracked it and they tell me i will have it for this Tuesday,so looking forward to getting


Edited by bullx
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