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Well at the end of the day, Wh you was have problem's with the misses like we all do at some point in life so i understand that part totally,

What i dont understand is its been five ''months'' since you had the mans money which is end of feb/begin of march you wasnt having problem's back then with her,

And the materials well like i said 5 months just aint good enough,

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he said the nets have been sent and he can send you the tracking number if you want it???


also he has sent you 5 nets and pegs instead of just 3 nets that you ordered.

i ordered 4 nets

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what a tosser, from what i can make out of him is that all he wants is to make a quick buck out of everyone on this site he sells books at silly prices and his mrs aint much better with her dogs


your right there mate did anyone see a few months ago she had a dog back that she sold cos it had been micro chipped it was in a right mess she put up pics saying she is back for good, then two or three weeks later she had her up for sale 120quid no offers!!!!!!!! lol i couldn believe it i was gob smacked!!!!!!

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as i said in pm earlier then nets have been posted today i aint going into it mate about why its took this long i know it was piss take but had a world full of shit latley to sort out all sorted now and nets posted with freebies sorry again mate.





wh said he posted them 2 days ago the lads full of shit

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