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people who think dogs should,nt be shot for worrying livestock should look at a field of sheep after a dog or dogs have run amok through them,not just the sheep but the unborn lambs aswell!all dogs even working dogs lurchers and terriers should be broken to stock or left on a lead!

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Its seems unlikely that a keepers dog would kill chickens...


Would be a bit of a liability to someone whos living depends on keeping birds alive to have a dog that killed them.......


And it would have a hard job getting into a secure chicken run......If a redcoat cant get in neither would a terrier.....


Great read though... :clapper:

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As usual, big talk from from the type of tossers that are bringing this site and field sports to it's knees...


It makes sad reading!


The fella that originated this topic is a fecking twat beyond measure. I think you have just painted a big auld target on your "old whippet", well done :clapper:


Personaly if you had killed my dog, i wouldnt bother with your whippet, i would be hanging YOU off of the nearest motorway bridge you FU-CKING KUNT! Better still i would do a hanibal special on ya and cut your guts just before i pushed you off the bridge :thumbs:

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  John Keswick said:
As usual, big talk from from the type of tossers that are bringing this site and field sports to it's knees...


It makes sad reading!


The fella that originated this topic is a fecking twat beyond measure. I think you have just painted a big auld target on your "old whippet", well done :clapper:


Personaly if you had killed my dog, i wouldnt bother with your whippet, i would be hanging YOU off of the nearest motorway bridge you FU-CKING KUNT! Better still i would do a hanibal special on ya and cut your guts just before i pushed you off the bridge :thumbs:


take it your not to happy about it then :blink:

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  riohog said:
  John Keswick said:
As usual, big talk from from the type of tossers that are bringing this site and field sports to it's knees...


It makes sad reading!


The fella that originated this topic is a fecking twat beyond measure. I think you have just painted a big auld target on your "old whippet", well done :clapper:


Personaly if you had killed my dog, i wouldnt bother with your whippet, i would be hanging YOU off of the nearest motorway bridge you FU-CKING KUNT! Better still i would do a hanibal special on ya and cut your guts just before i pushed you off the bridge :thumbs:


take it your not to happy about it then :blink:


Not particularly, no!

Shoot a mans dog for killing a few poxy chicken?

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I have to say that from what you've typed Id say it was a bit harsh.


You havent mentioned that your chickens were pets, so I assume they were always intended for the pot.


If thats the case then all your out is meat. Id've taken the dog round to the guy along with your dead chooks and demanded compesation and that the guy keeps better tabs on his dog in the future.


I appreciate that it wasnt your dog and that you have history with the guy but killing his dog just seems a bit callous in my opinion.


Even working dogs to a degree are pets because you need to build a bond with them in order to get them doing their job properly so in effect you have killed this guys friend / co worker over a case of some meat that you could get reimbursed for.


I have to agree with John Keswick ... If you turned up at my door with my dead dog and an explanation involving chickens Id be feeding your remains to my other dog by dinner time.


On the other hand...


Im not a chicken man, I cant see them as anything more than food but I appreciate some people have them as pets. If thats the case then fair doos to you.


If I walked out and saw something attacking my dogs then Id get involved and Id rather have the attacker dead than my dogs, but as I said, they are my pets / co workers, they are not destined for the dinner table.


I have to say though that if I were in your shoes Id watch my back.


Make sure your dog doesnt get shot in a bid for revenge from the neighbour, also, watch out for slashed tyres and the like.


If the guy is the way you have made him out to be then I doubt he will take it lying down and I can see the "one-upmanship" heading to a stupid level in the future if its not nipped in the bud quickly.



Edited by Archangel
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  Matt the Rat said:
  Swampy said:
  Matt the Rat said:
  fishkeeper said:
I would have shot the dog if it was killing any of my stock, never mind it being the keepers dog. What would happen if it was savageing a young child would you stand by and let it. Fishkeeper :D


Why would a dog that kills chickens or any other animals be dangerous to children?


Some of the best terriers I've known would never harm a child.


People really need to think before typing crap like this.


I will repeat (for the hard of thinking) you ARE NOT allowed to shoot dogs except as a 'last resort' (i.e. after you've tried to catch it, or stop it some other way).

Not doubting your knowledge on this one, but do you have a point of reference for your statement?

I was in Wales last St Georges day and came accross a sign that said quite clearly that "any dog seen off a lead will be shot on sight". Surely then that would be an illegal sign and you would have recourse if your dog happened to get shot.....................personally, although my dog is stock broken he's still a pup and I wouldn't risk taking him off the lead. I care to much to chance a brush with an irate/ignorant/trigger happy farmer/keeper.







ninging in the valleys that month


Point of reference is the Animals Act 1971 Section 9 (1)


provides a defence in any civil proceedings to the killing or injuring of a dog worrying livestock, if the court is satisfied that the defendant acted for the protection of any livestock, if the defendant acted for the protection of any livestock and was a person entitled to do so; and that the police were notified of the killing within forty-eight hours.


Section 9 (3) (4) goes on:


a person may only act for the protection of any livestock if, and only if, he has reasonable grounds to believe that either:

  1. The dog is worrying or is about to worry the livestock and there are no other reasonable means of ending or preventing the worrying, or
  2. The dog has been worrying livestock, has not left the vicinity and is not under the control of any person and there are no practicable means for ascertaining to whom it belongs.


Someone threatening (by placing a sign up) to shoot any dog not on a lead would be commiting other offences, and should be reported to the authorities.


In this case, ownership was known, and it seems that no other attempt to stop the 'worrying' was carried out. The dog should have been recovered, and civil proceedings should have easily recovered damages without the need to shoot anything.


If the police were not informed within 48 hours of the killing, then it was not legal.



Thank you for clarifying that.

I'll still not risk it. Dead dog v Clever lawyer.............no contest really is there?








Ninging with extra knowledge

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i wonder if the keepers/farmers feel the same once they have shot your dog for chasing a poxy rabbit or running round a sheep field .

apparantly this dog was killing birds , if so why should the keeper be treated any different?


just like to add, my opinion would be totaly different if it was a hunters dog that got shot , you just hear so many storys of keeper/farmers thinking it is ok to shoot peoples pets/dogs but i bet your arse the keeper didnt see this coming.

good job i say and about time (if this is true) that someone had the balls to take on the bullies

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I can refer to a case some years ago that happend on the earl fitzwilliam estate wer a young lad [10] was walking his mothers dog a yorki and it strayed off the path by a few yards the keeper shot it but onley clipped it he then smashed its head in with the but of the gun killing the dog in front of the young lad.The court case that fallowed in his defence the keeper claimed that it was his son who had shot the dog as it was worrying his chickens. It was their word against a young lad so they got away with it.IMHO two wrongs dont make a right but if this had been a poachers dog more would be saying you did right in shooting the dog.

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i think you done [bANNED TEXT] mate cos if the shoe was on the other foot mate i bet the ones that said you were wrong would of done the same as you.at the end of the day if your dog was in his chuck pen he would of done the same.well done

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  assasin8or said:
about two years ago a new keeper moved in to the house down the road and he is a miserible sod .

my kid and my nethew who are aged 3 and 11 were walking our old whippet who can hardly walk let alone run on the footpath doin no harm when he pulled up and told them to f#*king stop letting that mut chase my birds or i will shoot it.witch scared them to death they came home crying .so i went to have a word but got about as much welcome as aids he was just ignerant.enyway his terrier was in my chickien run the other day and had killed 6 with one in his mouth so gess what i shot it now he is going mad and said i had no right to do it and i did it to it to get back at him but i did not as i didnt know it was his dog

do you think i was in the wrong.what would you have done in that situation

personally if you shot my dog for eating 5 of your chickens i,d have slit your throat

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