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hi can anybody help i have a 9 month old lurcher bitch but for the last few weeks she has been rubbing her eyes with her dew claws is there anybody else who has come across this and is there anything i can do to sort it out cheers DM :victory:

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My male was doing this took him to the vets and was told to use optrex infected eyes this worked an absolute treat cost me a few quid that was it.I found nettles and long grass can cause it at this time of the year i also gave mine piriton to ease of the itching

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My greyhound bitch has been rubbing her eye exactly the same as you describe , only a very recent thing, i think it may be the pollen , there not runny or anything & i have just bathed the eye she kept rubbing with some cooled boiled water & a cotton wool pad , its not particularly bothering her but i will keep a check on it

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