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A few before the rain.....

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Popped up with my brother to a local permission mainly to check zero on Robs Quad as he noticed his barrel was loose last trip out.

We werent expecting to be out long as big old thunder storm was closing in fast.

So a few shot's on paper and both rifles(.22lr) clover leafing at 60 yards :D

Still no rain and it was nearly dark, so we decided to see if we could knock a few bunnies over.

With the storm closing quick it was nicely dark and a good breeze blowing, perfect bunnies busting weather.

So red filter on and of we went.

We drove no more that 50 yards put the lamp on, at least 20 pairs of eyes starred back :icon_eek:

Quick as a flash Rob starts knocking them over.

We move on and its pretty much the same all around the permission, lamp on knock a handfull over.

Try and find them, the grass is pretty much knee lengh :angry: and in the dark its not easy. :(

We swop over and go around again.

In the end the total shot must have been getting on for 40+ with 30 sumthing in the piccy a few in my bumper still and those we couldnt find( must get a dog!!)


Just as we were bagging up the storm hit, and did it hit us.

Rob got soaked locking the gate( he had a jacket on i didnt ;):lol: )

The journey home wasnt much fun, it was coming down that hard and fast that you couldnt tell the road from the pavement there was that much water laying....

Still it was a good night, climbed into bed at 1.30am slightly damp but knackered so out like a light and slept like a baby :D

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